magistrsko delo
Tadea Košir (Author), Vita Štukovnik (Mentor), Gaja Zager Kocjan (Co-mentor)


Spanje predstavlja eno izmed najbolj esencialnih življenjskih funkcij. Že ena noč nezadostne količine in/ali kakovosti spanja lahko dan kasneje povzroči spremembe, ki se kažejo na nivoju kognitivnega, emocionalnega in vsakodnevnega delovanja. Kakovost spanja lahko merimo s Pittsburškim vprašalnikom kakovosti spanja (PSQI). Njegove merske značilnosti so preverjale številne pretekle raziskave, ki so prišle do neenotnih ugotovitev glede faktorske strukture. V literaturi se kaže trend uporabe eno faktorske točkovalne metode vprašalnika ne glede na njegovo faktorsko strukturo. Namen tega dela je preveriti psihometrično ustreznost slovenske različice PSQI, in sicer njegovo faktorsko strukturo, zanesljivost in konstruktno veljavnost z Epworthsko lestvico zaspanosti, Lestvico depresije Centra za epidemiološke študije, Vprašalnikom zdravja pacientov in Kratko lestvico petih velikih. Vprašalnik je reševalo 453 zdravih posameznikov, 227 izmed njih je vprašalnik reševalo dvakrat. Rezultati psihometričnih analiz so pokazali, da se podatkom najbolje prilega hierarhični model drugega reda s tremi faktorji. Notranja konsistentnost za skupni rezultat je znašala % = .68, medtem ko je za pod lestvice nižja, in sicer % = .43%.70, kar lahko pripišemo nizkemu številu indikatorjev na lestvico. Retestna zanesljivost v obdobju dveh do treh tednov je za skupni rezultat znašala % = .77, za pod lestvice pa % = .61%.76. Vprašalnik PSQI je izkazal ustrezno konstruktno veljavnost; skupni dosežek je šibko pozitivno koreliral s prekomerno zaspanostjo, šibko negativno koreliral s sprejemljivostjo in vestnostjo, zmerno pozitivno koreliral z depresijo in nevroticizmom ter zmerno do močno pozitivno koreliral s somatiko.


magistrska dela;Pittsburški vprašalnik kakovosti spanja;spanje;konfirmatorna faktorska analiza;analiza;zanesljivost;veljavnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Košir]
UDC: 159.923.3:159.963.2(043.2)
COBISS: 60457731 Link will open in a new window
Views: 577
Downloads: 144
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychometric properties of the Slovene version of the Pittsburgh Sleep quality index
Secondary abstract: Sleep is considered one of the most essential life functions. Even one night of sleep insufficient in quantity and/or quality can result in a series of consequences a day later, reflected in the level of cognitive, emotional and daily functioning. Sleep quality can be assessed with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Its psychometric properties have been evaluated by a number of studies that have come to inconsistent findings regarding the factor structure. The literature shows a trend towards the use of the one-factor scoring method of the questionnaire, regardless of its factor structure. The aim of this research was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Slovene version of the PSQI, namely its factor structure, reliability and construct validity with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Patient Health Questionnaire and short version of the Big Five Inventory. The questionnaire was completed by 453 healthy individuals, 227 of whom completed the questionnaire twice. The results of the psychometric analyses showed that a hierarchical second-order model with three first-order factors best fits the data. The internal consistency for the PSQI global score was % = .68., while it was lower for the subscales, namely % = .43 % .70, which can be attributed to the low number of indicators per subscale. The test-retest reliability over a period of two to three weeks was % = .77 for the overall score and % = .61 % .76 for the subscales. The PSQI demonstrated adequate constructive validity; PSQI global score was weakly positively correlated with daytime sleepiness, weakly negatively correlated with agreeableness and conscientiousness, moderately positively correlated with depression and neuroticism, and moderately strongly positively correlated with somatization.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Pittsburg sleep quality index;sleep;confirmatory factor analysis;reliability;validity;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IX, 81 str.
ID: 12719264