diplomsko delo
Anja Novak (Author), Dragica Haramija (Mentor)


Pripovedka je krajše literarno delo, ki ima natančno določen književni prostor. V diplomskem delu so zbrane pripovedke o Radečah in okolici. Najdenih je bilo 17 zgodb, ki ustrezajo kriteriju določenega književnega prostora in so izbrane iz leposlovne domoznanske literature. Namen dela je ugotoviti, ali zgodbe opisujejo določen književni prostor in ali so zgodbe lahko vpeljane v izobraževani proces vrtca. Gradivo smo zbrali s pomočjo deskriptivne metode dela in ga podprli s pomočjo interpretacije zgodovinskih dejstev. V obravnavi teme smo se osredotočili na predstavitev mesta Radeče in na delovanje folklorne dejavnosti. Zapisano dogajanje, razvoj in delovanje mesta skozi čas smo zbrali s pomočjo zgodovinske metode dela ter zgodbe podprli z zbirko domoznanske literature. Predstavili smo glavne značilnosti mesta in tudi folklorno dejavnost, s katero se ukvarjajo v vrtcu kot z obogatitveno dejavnostjo. Z njo se v Radečah ukvarja tudi Folklorno društvo Brusači Radeče. Zbrane pripovedke smo v diplomskem delu razdelili glede na književni prostor. Opisujejo neverjetne dogodke, pripovedi naših prednikov in stavbe, ki so bile zgrajene v času nastanka mesta Radeče z okolice ter njegovega razvoja. V zgodbah smo prepoznali več različnih motivov in literarnih likov. Opisovanje književnega prostora smo razdelili s pomočjo metode klasifikacije glede podobnosti in razlik prostora samih pripovedk. V sklepu smo s pomočjo metode sinteze opisali podobnosti zbranih pripovedk in jih razdelili glede na književni prostor in literarne like. V zaključku sklepa smo za vsako področje kurikula opisali, kako lahko pripovedke uporabimo v vrtcu in podali primer dejavnosti.


diplomska dela;mesto Radeče;pripovedka;predšolski otroci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Novak]
UDC: 821.163.6:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 69638659 Link will open in a new window
Views: 391
Downloads: 75
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Radeče with its surroundings in stories
Secondary abstract: A narrative is a short literary work that has a well-defined literary space. In this diploma work we focused on written stories with a certain literary space of the town Radeče and its surroundings. We have found 17 stories, all of which contain a certain criteria of literary space and are selected from local history literature. The purpose of the work was to determine whether the stories describe a particular literary space and whether the stories can be introduced into the educational process of a kindergarten. The material was selected using a descriptive method of work and supported by the means of the interpretation of historical facts. In discussing the topic, we focused on the presentation of the town Radeče and the folklore activity. The recorded events, development and operation of the town over time were collected using the historical method of work and the stories were supported by a collection of local history literature. We presented the main characteristics of the city and also the folklore activity, which is one of the enrichment activities in the kindergarten as well. The folklore society Brusači also deals with it. Through the knowledge of folklore activities, we also described the importance of knowing these contents for the transfer of cultural heritage. We combined the collected stories into a story that describes incredible events, stories of our ancestors and descriptions of buildings that were built during the formation and the development of the town Radeče and its surroundings. We identified several different motifs and literary characters in the stories. The description of the literary space was divided using the method of classification regarding the similarities and differences of the space of the narratives. In the conclusion, we described the similarities of the collected narratives using the method of synthesis and we divided them according to the literary space and literary characters. Based on the areas of the curriculum we described in the end how stories can be used in kindergarten and gave an example of an activity.
Secondary keywords: theses;town Radeče;a narrative;preschool children;Slovenske pripovedke;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: IX, 41 f.
ID: 12768713
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