magistrsko delo
Viktorija Mežnar Aubelj (Author), Andrej Ovca (Reviewer), Martina Oder (Mentor)


Uvod: Sistem zobozdravstvenega stola predstavlja zaprto vodovodno omrežje, kjer lahko zaradi lastnosti posameznega tipa sistema zobozdravstvenega stola, zastajanja vode v omrežju in drugih dejavnikov pride do tvorbe biofilma znotraj vodovodne napeljave. To predstavlja ugodne pogoje za razrast in kolonizacijo bakterij Legionella, s čimer je lahko ogroženo zdravje uporabnikov vodnega vira. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je priprava načrta za preprečevanje razmnoževanja bakterije Legionella za zobozdravstveno dejavnost. Metode dela: Izdelava magistrskega dela je potekala v več korakih. Po pregledu znanstvenih člankov in različnih nacionalnih priporočil na temo preprečevanja razmnoževanja Legionella v vodovodnih omrežjih sistemov zobozdravstvenih stolov smo izdelali načrt za preprečevanje razmnoževanja bakterij Legionella za zobozdravstveno dejavnost večje zdravstvene ustanove v Sloveniji. Načrt je bil preverjen praksi in v skladu z izkušnjami dopolnjen in prilagojen. Rezultati: Načrt zajema popis odgovornih oseb za izvajanje dejavnosti ter dejavnike tveganja za okužbo z bakterijami Legionella skupaj z ogroženimi populacijami. Sledi opis vodovodnega omrežja s preventivnimi ukrepi za preprečevanje nastanka biofilma v zobozdravstvenih stolih. Navedeni so tudi korektivni ukrepi, ki se izvajajo ob ugotovljenih neskladjih. Razprava in zaključek: Okužbe z bakterijami Legionella v zobozdravstvu so potrjen, vendar zaradi pomanjkanja neposrednih dokazov pogosto prezrt problem. Kljub temu strokovnjaki ugotavljajo, da imajo zobozdravstveni delavci v primerjavi z ostalo populacijo v krvi veliko število protiteles proti bakterijam Legionella. Najučinkovitejši ukrep proti okužbam je upoštevanje preventivnih ukrepov in dobre higienske prakse pri delu ter zagotavljanje pitne vode ustrezne kvalitete v hišnem vodovodnem omrežju. V načrtu za preprečevanje razmnoževanja bakterij Legionella smo upoštevali način dela v zobozdravstveni dejavnosti, zahteve proizvajalca zobozdravstvenih stolov, največji poudarek pa posvetili varovanju zdravja zaposlenih in pacientov.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;bakterije Legionella;zobozdravstvo;zobozdravstveni stoli;vodovodno omrežje;preventiva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [V. Mežnar Aubelj]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 59942147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 405
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legionella bacterium multiplication prevention plan for the dental unit's waterlines in a slovenian healthcare institution
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The dental chair system is a closed water supply network. The characteristics of each type of dental chair system, water stagnation in the network and other factors can form a biofilm on the inner surface of water pipes. This serves as a favorable condition for Legionella bacteria growth and colonization which represents a health risk to the water source users. Purpose: The purpose of this master's thesis is to set up a Legionella bacterium multiplication prevention plan for dentistry. Methods of work: The master's thesis was designed in several steps. After reviewing scientific articles and various national recommendations on Legionella reproduction prevention in dental unit’s waterlines we prepared a Legionella bacterium multiplication prevention plan for a major Slovenian health care institution. The plan was used in practice for two months and has been adapted and supplemented in accordance with gained experience. Results: The plan describes people responsible for carrying out activities, defines Legionella infection risk factors with the inclusion of endangered population characteristics, and outlines the water supply network with preventive measures for biofilm formation in dental unit’s waterlines. We also listed the corrective measures implemented in case of identified discrepancies. Discussion and conclusion: Legionella bacteria infection is an existing but often overlooked problem in dentistry due to lack of direct evidence. Nevertheless, experts note that dental professionals have a higher number of anti-Legionella blood antigens in comparison to the rest of the population. The most effective measure against infections are the preventive measures implementation, good hygienic practice at work and the provision of adequate quality of drinking water in the home water supply network. Our plan considered the dentistry work principle and manufacturer requirements with the greatest emphasis on protecting the health of employees and patients.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;Legionella bacterium;dentistry;dental unit waterline;prevention;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: [56] str., [13] str. pril.
ID: 12779666