(diplomsko delo)
Tjaša Petrič (Author), Karl Turk (Mentor), Milica Lahe (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo poudarili pomembnost cepljenja, z namenom, da opozorimo na posledice, ki jih prenaša nezadostna imunizacija prebivalstva držav članic Evropske Unije. Predstavili smo zgodovinski razvoj cepljenja, definirali pojem cepljenja, cepiva in imunost. Opisali smo tudi stranske učinke, ki se lahko pojavljajo po samem cepljenju in kontraindikacije za cepljenje. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočili na imunizacijske programe v Sloveniji in Evropski Uniji, opisali cepljenja, ki so v naši državi obvezna, cepilni program priporočenih cepljenj v Avstriji in Veliki Britaniji ter stopnjo precepljenosti proti nalezljivim boleznim po državah. Nato smo podatke analizirali z vidika obveznosti in priporočljivosti cepljenj ter izvajalcev cepljenj. Vse dobljene podatke smo med seboj primerjali, pri tem pa našli odgovor na vprašanje, katere države imajo med seboj najbolj podoben program cepljenja proti določenim nalezljivim boleznim. Z analizo študije literature smo ugotovili, da imajo vse tri države zelo podobne cepilne programe, do večjih razlik prihaja le pri imunizaciji proti določenim povzročiteljem bolezni, kot so tuberkuloza, HPV, meningokokni meningitis C in pnevmokoki. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je visoka precepljenost v Sloveniji posledica zakonske ureditve cepljenja.


obvezno cepljenje;priporočeno cepljenje;Slovenija;Avstrija;Velika Britanija;organizacija cepljenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [T. Petrič]
UDC: 614.47
COBISS: 1483940 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4459
Downloads: 920
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of vaccination programmes against infectious diseases in the countries of the European Union
Secondary abstract: In the dissertation we have emphasized the importance of vaccination, with the purpose of warning against consequences of insufficient immunisation population of member countries in the European Union. We have presented the history of vaccination and defined the terms vaccination, vaccine and immunity. The side effects that can appear after the vaccination and the contraindications for vaccination are also described. We continued with the presentation of immunization programmes and introducted the vaccinations that are obligatory and recommended in Slovenia, Austria, and the United Kingdom including the vaccination coverage against infectious diseases. All data was compared and presented. We have focused on the similarities and differences of their vaccination programmes, and found out that they are very similar. There are only differences at the immunization against specific diseases such as tuberculosis, HPV, meningoccocal meningitis C and pneumococcal infection. Finally we have discovered, that the high vaccination coverage in Slovenia is the result of the state's law.
Secondary keywords: obligatory and recommended vaccination;Slovenia;European Union;Austria;United Kingdom;organization of vaccination;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zadravstvene vede
Pages: VII, 66 f.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;public health and hygiene;accident prevention;javno zdravje in higiena;preprečitev nesreč;prevention and control of communicable (infectious;contagious) diseases;prevention of epidemics;preprečevanje in nadzor ustno prenosljivih (kužnih) bolezni;preprečevanje bolezni;
ID: 12792