spolno opredeljeni okoljski diskurzi na Konferencah pogodbenic Okvirne konvencije Združenih narodov o spremembi podnebja
Dora Matejak (Author), Zlatko Šabič (Mentor), Andreja Vezovnik (Co-mentor)


Medsebojna povezanost spola in podnebnih sprememb ter njeni vzroki in posledice so reden del mednarodnih razprav o podnebnih spremembah na Konferencah pogodbenic Okvirne konvencije Združenih narodov o spremembi podnebja. Magistrsko delo raziskuje diskurze o spolih, prisotne na Konferencah pogodbenic, ki imajo neposredni vpliv na to, kako razumemo, si predstavljamo ali razpravljamo o spolu v sklopu razprav o podnebnih spremembah. Naloga temelji na teoriji socialnega konstruktivizma, ki obravnava diskurze kot družbene konstrukte. Cilj naloge je torej razkriti in razpravljati o diskurzih v luči njihovega vpliva na mednarodno oblikovanje politik glede podnebnih sprememb. Naloga se empirično osredotoča na kritično analizo diskurza dokumentov, pripravljenih na Konferencah pogodbenic, ki govorijo o spolu znotraj podnebnih sprememb - na sodobni Akcijski načrt za enakost spolov in na opisa dveh projektov. Analiza je pokazala, da spol največkrat pomeni le ženske, najpogosteje pa se nanaša na ženske iz nerazvitih regij. Te ženske so označene kot žrtve podnebnih sprememb, hkrati pa so obravnavane kot nosilke posebnega znanja o tem, kako se ustrezno spoprijeti z izzivi podnebnih sprememb. Ti diskurzi se kažejo v oblikovanju politik, saj so razprave, ukrepi in dokumenti osredotočeni na ženske in ne na socialne neenakosti med spoloma. Poleg tega se prednostne rešitve ranljivega položaja žensk kažejo le v vključevanju žensk v politične razprave ali programe okoljskega menedžmenta brez preizpraševanja, kaj so glavni vzroki neenakosti.


gender;climate change;UNFCCC;critical discourse analysis;international policy-making;Mednarodni odnosi;Mednarodne pogodbe;Podnebne spremembe;Ženske;Magistrska dela;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [D. Matejak]
UDC: 327:551.583-055.2(043.2)
COBISS: 60605699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 493
Downloads: 139
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Shaping the policies while changing the discourses
Secondary abstract: The gender-climate change interrelationship, its causes and consequences, are a regular part of international climate change discussions at the Conferences of the Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This masterʼs thesis researches the gendered environmental discourses accumulated at the Conferences of the Parties and their impact on the way gender is understood, presented or discussed as a part of climate change debates. Guided by the social constructivist theory, this thesis understands the gendered environmental discourses as social constructs. Therefore, the goal of this masterʼs thesis is to uncover and question these discourses, as well as the impact these discourses have on the international climate change policy-making. The empirical focus of this thesis is on the critical discourse analysis of the documents produced at the COP that speak about gender in climate change - the reinforced Gender Action Plan and two project descriptions. This thesis demonstrates that most of the times gender means women only, most commonly referring to the women from underdeveloped regions. These women are labelled as climate victims, but at the same time, they are viewed as having special knowledge on how to adequately address climate change challenges. These discourses manifest in policy-making as the discussions, actions and documents, which are focused on women, rather than on social inequalities of gender constructions. Moreover, the preferred solutions to the vulnerable position of women are seen in including women in political debates or environmental management programs but do not question the primary causes of inequalities.
Secondary keywords: spol;podnebne spremembe;UNFCCC;kritična analiza diskurza;mednarodno oblikovanje politik;International relations;Treaties;Climatic changes;Women;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 87 str.
ID: 12794843
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