Gašper Rak (Author), Marko Hočevar (Author), Franci Steinman (Author)


Pri deročem toku se pogosto pojavi dvofazni tok, ki ga spremlja močno razgibana, nestacionarna vodna gladina. S klasičnimi merilnimi metodami določitev povprečnega poteka vodne gladine, posebno z večjo prostorsko ločljivostjo, praktično ni možna. Pri analizi sotočja dveh deročih tokov, kjer se oblikuje stoječe valovanje z veliko vertikalno dinamiko gladine, smo za meritve gladine uporabili lasersko skeniranje. Članek prikazuje, da je z obdelavo meritev te brezkontaktne merilne metode mogoče določiti tako srednji potek kot tudi fluktuacije vodne gladine. Rezultati širijo uporabo te merilne metode, ki prinaša pomembne informacije o lastnostih vodnega toka, na številna področja hidrotehnike. Prikazane so tokovne razmere na sotočju, kjer so bile iz izmerjene dinamike vodne gladine v merilnih prerezih za nabor 168 kombinacij dveh dotokov z visokimi vrednostmi Froudovih števil (2 < Fr <12) določene ovojnice vertikalnih fluktuacij vodne gladine okoli srednje vrednosti. Povezovanje več merilnih prerezov je omogočilo izdelavo razgibane ploskve vodnih gladin z več vrhovi stoječega valovanja na območju sotočja. Zanje so bile razvite fenomenološke zveze med vhodnimi parametri tokov in srednjimi višinami ter fluktuacijami vodne gladine.


sotočje;deroči tok;dvofazni tok;fluktuacije vodne gladine;lasersko skeniranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
UDC: 528.8.042:627.01
COBISS: 8268641 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0352-3551
Views: 245
Downloads: 56
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Water surface fluctuations of standing waves at the supercritical confluence flow
Secondary abstract: Two-phase flow often occurs in supercritical flows, accompanied by a highly dynamic, non-stationary water surface. Determining the average water surface profile, especially with higher spatial resolution, is practically impossible using conventional measurement methods. In the analysis of supercritical confluence flow, where standing waves with high vertical dynamic of water surface are formed, laser scanning was used to measure the free-water surface. Average profile as well as fluctuations of water surface can be determined with processing of (processed) measurements of this non-contact measurement method, as presented in this paper. The results contribute to wider use of this measurement method, which provides important information on water flow properties to many fields of hydro-engineering. Flow conditions are shown at confluences, where measurements of water surface dynamics in measured cross-section for 168 combinations of two flows with high values of Froude numbers (2 < Fr <12) were used to determine the envelopes of vertical water surface fluctuation around mean value. The integration of several measured cross-sections enabled the construction of the undulating water surface with several peaks of standing waves in the confluence area. Phenomenological relations were developed between input flow parameters and mean water levels as well as fluctuations of water surface for areas of standing waves.
Secondary keywords: sotočje;deroči tok;dvofazni tok;fluktuacije vodne gladine;lasersko skeniranje;confluence;supercritical flow;two-phase flow;fluctuations of water;laser scanning;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 107-120
Volume: 30
Issue: ǂ[št.] ǂ53
Chronology: 2017
ID: 12794857