delo diplomskega projekta
Marko Bošnjak (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu analiziramo dejavnike, ki vplivajo na gibanje valutnega para EUR/USD. Vsaka država ali denarna unija ima svojo valuto. Menjava valute ene za drugo nam omogoča devizni trg, ki pa nam poda vrednost deviznega tečaja. Devizni tečaj je pomemben podatek, saj omogoča primerjavo vrednosti določenega blaga v različnih delih sveta. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo in podrobneje obrazložimo teoretično osnovo deviznega tečaja in določitev njegove vrednosti. Opišemo tudi teorije deviznega tečaja ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njegovo spremembo. Definiramo devizni trg in predstavimo njegove udeležence in transakcije, ki se na trgu odvijajo. Empirični del diplomskega projekta zajema analizo dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na gibanje valutnega para EUR/USD. Namen analize je obrazložitev dejavnikov, ki so vplivali na spremembe vrednosti tega valutnega para. Po izvedeni analizi bomo razumeli kako se vrednost valutnega para EUR/USD giblje v odvisnosti od sprememb makroekonomskih dejavnikov ter tekočega dela plačilne bilance. Zaradi kompleksnosti problema in posledic tveganja s to analizo želimo doseči dober okvir za napovedovanje prihodnjih sprememb.


devizni trg;devizni tečaj;plačilna bilanca;valuta;valutni par;makroekonomski dejavniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: M. Bošnjak
UDC: 339.74
COBISS: 75314691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 310
Downloads: 46
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of EUR/USD currency pair variabiliy
Secondary abstract: In the graduation thesis we analyze the variables that influence the dynamics of the currency pair EUR/USD. Every country or monetary union has its own currency. These currencies can be traded on the foreign exchange market, which gives us the exchange rate. Exchange rate is important as it allows us to compare the value of certain goods in different parts of the world. In the theoretical part, we define and explain in more detail the theoretical basis of the exchange rate and how the it is determined. We also describe exchange rate theories and the variables that influence its changes. We also define the foreign exchange market and present its participants and the transactions that take place in the market. In the empirical part of the graduation thesis, we analyze the variables that influence the dynamics of the currency pair EUR/USD. The purpose of the analysis is to find and explain the variables that influenced the changes in its dynamics. After the analysis, we will understand how the value of the currency pair EUR/USD fluctuates depending on changes in macroeconomic factors and current part of the balance of payments. Due to the complexity of the problem and the consequences of the risk, we want to use this analysis to achieve a good framework for predicting future changes.
Secondary keywords: currency pair;foreign exchange market;exchange rate;macroeconomic factors;transactions;balance of payments.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 37 str.
ID: 12799689