(diplomsko delo)
Mojca Prislan (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor), Danica Železnik (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavlja motivacijo hemodializnega pacienta za sodelovanje pri zdravljenju. Predstavlja različne psihološke vidike in kakovost življenja pacienta s kronično ledvično odpovedjo. Opisana je vloga medicinske sestre pri motiviranju, ter zdravstvena vzgoja hemodializnega pacienta. Izpostavljena je komunikacija s pacientom kot pomemben dejavnik za kakovostno obravnavo pacienta na hemodializi. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, kot raziskovalni instrument pa anonimni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali in prikazali v obliki grafov. Ugotovili smo, da so pacienti motivirani za sodelovanje pri zdravljenju. Prav tako se vsi zavedajo svoje vloge in sodelovanja pri zdravljenju s hemodializo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da pacienti poznajo svojo bolezen. Eni so mnenja, da jo dovolj dobro poznajo, medtem ko drugi menijo, da bi jo lahko poznali še bolj. Pacientom pri zdravljenju veliko pomeni podpora medicinske sestre in tudi svojcev, saj so tako bolj motivirani za sodelovanje pri zdravljenju. Le mali odstotek je tistih pacientov, ki jim podpora ne pomeni ničesar. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da predpisanih omejitev pri zdravljenju dosledno ne upoštevajo vsi pacienti. Le ena tretjina je tistih, ki predpisane omejitve upoštevajo vedno, ena tretjina jih upošteva samo včasih, tretjina pa jih ne upošteva, kljub temu, da se vsi zavedajo posledic nesodelovanja pri zdravljenju.


ledvica;hemodializa;motivacija;pacienti;zdravstvena vzgoja;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Prislan]
UDC: 616.61-78
COBISS: 1484708 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3847
Downloads: 646
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivation - element of medical treatmant patients on hemodialysis
Secondary abstract: This thesis is about the motivation for participation of patients who are being treated with hemodialysis. It explains the various psychological aspects and the quality of life of a patient with chronic kidney failure. It describes the nurse's role in motivating and the medical education of a hemodialysis patient. Communication with the patient is emphasized as an important factor for a quality treatment of a hemodialysis patient. Research was done using a descriptive method, with the anonymous closed-ended questionnaire as the research instrument. Results gathered were processed and reproduced in the form of graphs. It was determined that patients are motivated for participation in the medical treatment. On top of that, all of them are aware of their role and cooperation in the hemodialysis treatment. It was also ascertained, that patients know their disease. Some believe they know it good enough, while others believe they could know it even better. Patients, being treated, appreciate the support from nurses as well as their relatives, because it increases their motivation for the medical treatment. Only a small percentage of patients is indifferent to support. It was determined that not all of the patients take the prescribed limitations in consideration consistently. Only one third of them take prescribed limitations in consideration consistently, one third considers them only now and then, and one third pays no attention to them, even though they are aware the consequences of not participating in the medical treatment.
Secondary keywords: kidney;hemodialysis;motivation;patient;medical education;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 70 f., 4 f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;pathology;clinical medicine;patologija;klinična medicina;pathology of the urogenital system;urinary and sexual (genital) complaints;urology;patologija urogenitalnega sistema;bolezni sečil in spolnih organov;urologija;
ID: 12817