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Špela Čižmek (Author), Mojca Amon (Reviewer), Dejan Georgiev (Mentor)


Bolezni in poškodbe živčevja so velik izziv zdravstvenega varstva v 21. stoletju. Številne bolezni in poškodbe povzročajo trajne motnje na vseh ravneh bolnikovega življenja. Pomemben del medicinske obravnave bolnikov je nevrorehabilitacija, ki jo odlikuje z znanstvenimi raziskavami podprta praksa. Sodobne metode zaznamujejo celosten pristop k načrtovanju in uresničevanju rehabilitacije s sodelovanjem več strokovnjakov iz različnih disciplin, pri čemer ima bolnik osrednje mesto in kjer člani tima med seboj redno komunicirajo, se skupaj izobražujejo in si izmenjujejo informacije o bolnikovem stanju. Delo poteka koordinirano v določenem časovnem okviru. Z dobro zastavljenimi dosegljivimi cilji lahko vplivajo na boljši izid rehabilitacije, krajši čas bolnišničnega bivanja in posledično tudi na zmanjšanje stroškov zdravljenja. Pomemben član MDT je tudi fizioterapevt, ki s svojimi sposobnostmi in strokovnostjo prispeva k optimalnemu procesu rehabilitacije nevrološkega bolnika. Menimo, da sta za področje nevrorehabilitacije zaradi večplastnosti izzivov zelo pomembna nadaljnje razvijanje in proučevanje možnih pristopov in sodelovanje več strokovnjakov v usklajenem MDT, v katerem ima tudi fizioterapevt pomembno vlogo in lahko vpliva na kakovost bolnikovega življenja.


nevrološki bolniki;nevrorehabilitacija;multidisciplinarni pristop;vloga fizioterapevta v timu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [Š. Šavs Čižmek]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 63913987 Link will open in a new window
Views: 82
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation of neurological patients
Secondary abstract: Nervous system diseases and injuries pose a major challenge to healthcare in the 21st century. Many diseases and injuries cause permanent disorders at all levels of a patient’s life. An important part of the medical treatment of patients is neurorehabilitation, which is distinguished by practice supported by scientific research. Modern methods are characterized by a holistic approach to planning and implementing rehabilitation with the participation of several experts from different disciplines, where the patient has a central place and where team members regularly communicate with each other, educate themselves and exchange information about the patient's condition. The work is carried out in a coordinated manner over a certain time frame and, with well-set realistic goals, can have an impact on achieving better rehabilitation outcomes, shorter hospital stays and, consequently, a reduction in treatment costs. An important member of the multidisciplinary team is also the physiotherapist, who with his abilities and professionalism contributes to the optimal process of rehabilitation of a neurological patient. We believe that due to the multifaceted challenges in the field of rehabilitation of neurological patients, it is very important to further develop and study possible approaches and the participation of several experts in a coordinated multidisciplinary team in which the physiotherapist plays an important role and can affect the patient's quality of life.
Secondary keywords: neurological patients;neurorehabilitation;multidisciplinary approach;the role of a physiotherapist in a team;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: I, 37 str.
ID: 12867779