magistrsko delo
Valentina Žganec (Author), Sonja Škornik (Mentor), Nataša Pipenbaher (Co-mentor)


V okviru magistrskega dela smo ugotavljali, kakšne so morfološko funkcionalne poteze (MFP) rastlinskih vrst, ki sobivajo v mikrohabitatih z vrstama čmrljeliko mačje uho (Ophrys holosericea) in čopasto grebenušo (Polygala comosa) v sestojih ekstenzivnih suhih travišč v Halozah. Na izbranem travniku smo določili 30 popisnih ploskvic velikosti 1 ▫$m^2$▫, kjer so v središču uspevali osebki vrste čmrljeliko mačje uho (Ophrys holosericea) in naslednjih 30 popisnih ploskvic velikosti 1 ▫$m^2$▫, kjer so v središču uspevali osebki vrste čopasta grebenuša (Polygala comosa), hkrati pa na njih ni bilo vrste Ophrys holosericea. Na vsaki ploskvici smo popisali rastlinske vrste na dveh razdaljah od središča osebkov vrst Ophrys holosericea in Polygala comosa (do 20 cm in med 20 do 40 cm). Za vse rastlinske vrste, ugotovljene na ploskvicah in na celotnem travniku (N = 87), smo analizirali in primerjali izbrane MFP (rastna oblika, višina rastline, CSR strategija, specifična listna površina (SLA), vsebnost suhe snovi lista (LDMC), začetek, konec in dolžina cvetenja) in Ellenbergove indekse (svetloba, vlažnost, preskrbljenost tal z dušikom). Za ugotovitev podobnosti in raznolikosti v floristični sestavi med ploskvicami z vrsto Ophrys holosericea in z vrsto Polygala comosa smo uporabili multivariatne analize. Ugotovili smo izrazito višjo raznolikost vrst mikrohabitatov z vrsto Ophrys holosericea. Na osnovi multivariatne analize (DCA analize) smo dokazali, da obstajajo značilne razlike v floristični sestavi obeh mikrohabitatov. Na osnovi analize MFP lahko sklepamo, da so razmere v mikrohabitatih z vrsto čmrljeliko mačje uho bolj heterogene, kar pripisujemo pogostejšim vrzelim (gola tla) v vegetaciji na teh površinah, ki nastanejo kot posledica občasnih izrazitejših motenj. Na teh ploskvah so pogosteje prisotne enoletnice in plevelne vrste oz. ruderalne rastline, ki imajo višje vrednosti SLA ter nižje vrednosti LDMC. Na podlagi CSR primarnih strategij smo ugotovili, da v mikrohabitatih s proučevanima vrstama sobivajo vrste, ki imajo v primerjavi z vrstami celotne travniške rastlinske združbe v povprečju manj izraženo kompeticijo ter bolj poudarjeno stres toleratorsko in ruderalno komponento. Vrsta Polygala comosa, ki sodi v S/SC tip, ima v svoji okolici v povprečju vrste z nekoliko bolj izraženo stres toleratorsko strategijo kot Ophrys holosericea, ki predstavlja R/CR tip, pa ima v svoji okolici vrste, z nekoliko bolj izraženo ruderalno strategijo. S primerjavo Ellenbergovih indeksov smo ugotovili, da so rastlinske vrste, ki se nahajajo v bližnji okolici vrst Ophrys holosericea in Polygala comosa, v povprečju pol sončne do sončne vrste, ki uspevajo na območju med suhimi in svežimi tlemi. Med vrstami, ki sobivajo s čmrljelikim mačjim ušesom, so tudi takšne, ki imajo bistveno večjo potrebo po hranilih v primerjavi z vrstami, ki rastejo v bližini čopaste grebenuše. Tako tudi Ellenbergovi indeksi potrjujejo ugotovitev, da so mikrohabitati z vrsto Ophyrs holosericea podvrženi pogostejšim motnjam, ki omogočijo pojav vrst motenih rastišč z ruderalno strategijo.


magistrska dela;rastlinske vrste;Ophrys holosericea;Polygala comosa;multivariantna analiza;morfološko funkcionalne poteze;CSR strategija;Ellenbergovi indeksi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [V. Žganec]
UDC: 574.2:633.2.03(497.4Haloze)(043.2)
COBISS: 71393539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 417
Downloads: 42
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Plant functional traits of microhabitats with Ophrys holosericea (Burm. f.) Greuter in semi-natural dry grasslands in Haloze
Secondary abstract: As part of the master's thesis, we determined the morphological functional traits (MFT) of plant species that coexist in microhabitats with the species Ophrys holosericea and Polygala comosa in the stands of extensive dry grasslands in Haloze. In the selected meadow, 30 sample plots of 1 ▫$m^2$▫ size were determined in the centre of which specimens of Ophrys holosericea species thrived, and another 30 sample plots of 1 ▫$m^2$▫ size were determined in the centre of which specimens of Polygala comosa species thrived and no species of Ophrys holosericea were present. Plant species were recorded in each plot at two distances from the center of specimens of Ophrys holosericea and Polygala comosa (up to 20 cm and between 20 and 40 cm). For all plant species found in the plots and in the whole meadow (N = 87), we analyzed and compared selected MFTs (growth form, plant height, CSR strategy, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), beginning, end and flowering length) and Ellenberg indices (light, humidity, soil nitrogen supply). To determine similarity and diversity in floristic composition between plots with Ophrys holosericea and Polygala comosa we used multivariate analysis. We found a significantly higher microhabitat species diversity with the Ophrys holosericea species. Based on the multivariate analysis (DCA analysis), we proved that there are significant differences in floristic composition of the two microhabitats. Based on the MFP analysis, we can conclude that the conditions in the microhabitats with the Ophrys holosericea species are more heterogeneous, which is due to more frequent gaps (bare soil) in the vegetation on these plots, which occur as a result of occasional more severe disturbances. Annual plants and weed species or ruderal plants are often present on these plots, which have a higher SLA values and lower values LDMC. Based on the CSR primary strategies, we found that species coexist in the studied microhabitats that, on average, have less competition and a more pronounced stress-tolerant and ruderal component compared to the species of the overall meadow plant community. The species Polygala comosa, which belongs to the S/SC type, coexists on average with species with a slightly more pronounced stress tolerance strategy in its surroundings than the species Ophrys holosericea, which represents the R/CR type, but has species with a slightly more pronounced ruderal strategy. By comparing Ellenberg indices, we found that the plant species found in the immediate vicinity of the Ophrys holosericea and Polygala comosa species are, on average, of sunny to semi-sunny sites that thrive in the area between dry and fresh soils. Among the species that coexist with Ophrys holosericea, there are also those that have a significantly higher nutrients requirements compared to the species that grow near Polygala comosa. Thus, the Ellenberg indices also confirm the finding that microhabitats with the species Ophyrs holosericea are exposed to more frequent disturbances, which allow the occurrence of disturbed habitat species with ruderal strategy.
Secondary keywords: master theses;plant species;Ophrys holosericea;Polygala comosa;multivariate analysis;morphological functional traits;CSR strategy;Ellenberg indices;Morfologija (rastline);Travišča;Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: XII, 50 str.
ID: 12885692