magistrsko delo
Tomaž Eržen (Author), Gregor Jurak (Reviewer), Gregor Starc (Mentor), Vedrana Sember (Co-mentor)


Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti kakšne rezultate dosegajo otroci iz Španije pri meritvah za športnovzgojni karton in kakšne so razlike v gibalni učinkovitosti in telesnih značilnostih med otroki iz Slovenije in Španije. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 72 učenk in učencev 4., 5. in 6. razreda osnovne šole Enric Farreny iz Katalonije ter 59.080 učenk in učencev slovenskih osnovnih šol. Povprečna starost španskih otrok je bila 11 let in 2 meseca, slovenskih pa 11 let in 5 mesecev. Podatke smo pridobili z izvedbo meritev za športnovzgojni karton. Izvedli smo dve antropometrijski merski nalogi za pridobitev podatkov za telesno višino in maso ter 5 gibalnih merskih nalog. Ti so zajemali skok v daljino z mesta, veso v zgibi, dviganje trupa, tek na 60 metrov in tek na 600 metrov. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s statističnim programom IBM SPSS in Microsoft Excel. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da so katalonski fantje za 5,5 cm nižji od slovenskih (151,3) ter tehtajo v povprečju 4,6 kg manj od slovenskih (40,4 kg). Katalonska dekleta so v povprečju so za 6,7 cm nižja od slovenskih (151,9 cm). Telesna masa slovenskih deklet pa je za 5,2 kg višja od katalonskih (39,6 kg). Pri vseh opravljenih merskih nalogah so bile zaznane statistično značilne razlike (p < 0,01). Povprečen rezultat skoka v daljino pri katalonskih učencih je bil 143,8 cm, slovenskih pa 161,7 cm, to pomeni, da so bili slovenski učenci za 11 % boljši. Pri merski nalogi dvigovanja trupa so slovenski učenci opravili povprečno 42,2 dvigov trupa, katalonski fantje pa 34,9 ponovitev, kar pomeni, da so opravili skoraj 18 % manj ponovitev od slovenskih učencev. Slovenski učenci so v vesi v zgibi zdržali povprečno 33,9 sekund, kar je skoraj 47 % več od katalonskih, ki so zdržali 18,2 sekunde. Pri teku na 60 m so slovenski fantje (10,8 s) tekli za približno 6 % hitreje od katalonskih (11,4 s). Za tek na 600 metrov so katalonski fantje porabili skoraj 193,5 sekund, slovenski fantje pa 165,6 sekunde, kar pomeni, da so bili boljši za 15 %. Pri katalonskih dekletih je bil povprečen rezultat skoka v daljino 137 cm, slovenskih pa 154,8 cm, ki so bile za 11,5 % boljše od katalonskih učenk.. Pri merski nalogi dvigovanja trupa so slovenske učenke opravile povprečno 16 % več dvigov trupa (40,6) kot katalonska dekleta (34,1). Slovenske učenke so v vesi v zgibi zdržale povprečno 31 sekund, kar je 17 % več od katalonskih deklet, ki so zdržale 22,6 sekunde. Pri teku na 60 m so slovenska dekleta tekla 10,9 sekunde, kar znaša 5 % boljši rezultat od katalonskih (11,5 s). Za tek na 600 metrov so katalonska dekleta porabila 213 sekund, kar pomeni, da so tekla za skoraj 19 % slabše od slovenskih deklet (173 sekund). Rezultati naše raziskave kažejo na to, da med otroki iz Slovenije in Španije obstajajo velike razlike v telesnem in gibalnem razvoju, da so otroci v Sloveniji višje rasti od španskih vrstnikov in da se višja kakovost dela pri predmetu šport v Sloveniji močno izraža tudi na gibalnem razvoju otrok iz Slovenije v primerjavi z vrstniki iz Katalonije. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da je eden ključnih razlogov za slabe rezultate katalonskih učenk in učencev predvsem slabo zasnovan kurikulum za predmet šport v Kataloniji in slabši materialni pogoji za izpeljavo predmeta.


šport;otroci;gibalne sposobnosti;telesne značilnosti;merjenje;slovenski šolski sistem;španski šolski sistem;merske naloge;SLOfit;športnovzgojni karton;sekularni trendi;Slovenija;Španija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [T. Eržen]
UDC: 37+796.01-053.2
COBISS: 85176323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4823
Downloads: 52
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of Physical Characteristics and Motorical Abilities of Slovenian and Spanish Children
Secondary abstract: The aim of the master’s thesis was to assess the results of the SLOfit measurements in children from Spain, and what compare their motor efficiency and physical characteristics to children from Slovenia. The sample included 72 pupils of the 4th, 5th and 6th grade of the Enric Farreny primary school from Catalonia and 59080 pupils of Slovenian primary schools. The average age of Spanish children was 11 years and 2 months and of Slovenian children 11 years and 5 months. The data were obtained by the SLOfit test battery. We had two anthropometric measurement tasks for obtaining data for body height and weight and 5 motor measurement tasks. These included long jump, bent arm hang, sit ups, 60 meters dash and 600 meters run. The obtained data were analyzed with the statistical program IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The analysis showed that Catalan boys are 5,5 cm lower than Slovenian boys (151,3 cm) and weigh on average 4,6 kg less than Slovenian boys (40,4 kg). Catalan girls are on average 6,7 cm lower than Slovenian girls (151,9 cm). The body weight of Slovenian girls is 5,2 kg higher than the Catalan (39,6 kg). Statistically significant differences (p < 0,01) were detected in all measurement tests. The average result of the long jump for Catalan boys were 143,8 cm and for Slovenian boys 161,7 cm which means that Slovenian students had 11% better performance. Slovenian boys made an average of 42,2 sit ups per minute while Catalan boys made 34,9 repetitions which means that they made almost 18% less repetitions than their Slovenian peers. Slovenian boys endured 33,9 second in the bent arm hang test which is almost 47% more than Catalan boys whose average result was 18,2 seconds. In the 60 m dash Slovenian boys (10,8 s) ran about 6% faster than the Catalan (11,4 s). The Catalan boys the distance of the 600 meter run in 193,5 seconds while the Slovenian boys managed the same distance in 165,6 seconds which meant 15% faster time. In Catalan girls the average result of the long jump was 137 cm while in Slovenian girls it was 154,8 cm which was 11,5% longer than in Catalan girls. In the measurement task of sit ups, Slovenian girls made on average 16% more sit ups (40,6) than Catalan girls (34,1 repetitions). Slovenian girls lasted managed 31 seconds in the bent arm hang which was 17% longer Catalan girls who managed 22,6 seconds. In the 60 m dash, Slovenian girls achieved the time of 10,9 seconds which was 5% faster than in Catalan girls (11,5 s). The Catalan girls managed the 600 meter run distance in 213 seconds which was almost 19% slower than the average time of Slovenian girls (173 seconds). The results of our research show that there are large differences in physical and motor development between children from Slovenia and Spain. The growth tempo of children from Slovenia is higher and that there seems to be also higher quality of work in physical education in Slovenia, which is strongly reflected in the motor development of children from Slovenia compared to their peers from Catalonia, Spain. The research also showed that one of the key reasons for the poor results of Catalan children could be attributed to inadequately designed physical education curriculum and poor material conditions for deliverance of the subject.
Secondary keywords: sport;children;SLOfit;sports education card;secular trends;motor skills;physical caracteristics;Slovenia;Spain;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 12887510