magistrsko delo
Ples je eno izmed najstarejših sredstev za izražanje, ki do danes ni izgubilo svoje priljubljenosti. Prav obratno, njegova množičnost še vedno narašča, tudi kot tekmovalni šport. Večina plesalcev prične s tekmovanji že v zgodnji starosti. Temu sledi večje število treningov, kar posledično pripelje do povečanega obsega obremenitve in tveganja za poškodbe.
Namen magistrskega dela je bil analizirati in primerjati poškodbe med plesalci oziroma plesalkami iz štirih različnih plesni zvrsti, ki sodijo med trenutno najpopularnejše plese: hip hop, latinskoameriški in standardni plesi, akrobatski rokenrol ter breakdance. Cilji našega magistrskega dela so bili: a) ugotoviti, katere so najznačilnejše poškodbe pri omenjenih plesnih zvrsteh, b) ugotoviti pogostost poškodb oziroma težav in c) ugotoviti, kakšna je kumulativna incidenca resnosti teh poškodb. Zanimalo nas je, koliko ur v tednu se plesalci ukvarjajo s plesom, v katerem tekmovalnem rangu se gibljejo in kako je poškodba vplivala na njihov trenažni proces. Vzorec je sestavljalo 251 plesalk in plesalcev iz različnih plesnih klubov v Sloveniji, starih 15–30 let. Anketiranci so odgovarjali na vprašalnik o poškodbah, imenovan OSTRC, in splošni anketni vprašalnik. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali s programom Excel Microsoft 2010. Uporabili smo opisno statistiko in frekvenčno analizo. Podatke smo predstavili ločeno, glede na posamezno plesno zvrst.
Ugotovitve so pokazale statistično značilne razlike v pojavnosti poškodb med plesnimi zvrstmi. Pri zvrsteh hip hop in breakdance je najpogostejše območje poškodb predel kolena, medtem ko so pri akrobatskem rokenrolu poškodbam izpostavljeni predvsem gležnji in hrbet. Pri standardnih in latinskoameriških plesih so pogoste poškodbe hrbta.
šport;ples;hip hop;breakdance;akrobatski rokenrol;latinskoameriški plesi;standardni plesi;obremenitve;napor;estetski kriteriji;telesna sestava;plesalci;poškodbe;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport |
Publisher: |
[A. Pliberšek] |
UDC: |
793.3:616-001 |
Views: |
442 |
Downloads: |
99 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Analysis of injuries between dancers in different competitive dance genres |
Secondary abstract: |
Dance in one of the oldest ways to express your feelings and till now still hasn't lost his popularity. In fact, it has become even more popular; even like competitive sport. Most dancers begin with competitions in early age. This leads to more trainings, which is reflected in more injuries and the amount of strain.
The purpose of the master’s thesis was to analyze and compare injuries between dancers from four different dance genres. These are currently one of the most well-liked dance genres: hip hop, Latin American and standard dance, acrobatic rock’n’roll and breakdance. Goals of master’s thesis were: a) to determine which are the most common injuries in mentioned dance genres, b) to determine the frequency of injuries and c) to determine the cumulative incidence of the severity of injuries. We were interested in how many hours per week dancers have trainings, in which competitive range they participate and how did the injury affect on their training process. The pattern included 251 dancers from different dancing clubs in Slovenia, aged between 15-30 years. Respondents answered the questionnaire about injuries, called OSTRC and general survey questionnaire. We processed the given information with Excel Microsoft 2010. We used descriptive statistics and frequency analyze. We separated the given information according to individual dance genre.
The findings have shown statistically significant differences in frequency of injuries between different dance genres. In hip hop and breakdance the most common injury is the area around the knee, while at acrobatic rock’n’roll the ankle and the back are the most exposed. At Latin American and standard dance the most common are back injuries. |
Secondary keywords: |
sport;dance;injuries;hip hop;breakdance;Latin American dance;standard dance;acrobatic rock'n'roll; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport |
Pages: |
52 f. |
ID: |
12907183 |