magistrsko delo
Maja Niedorfer (Author), Saša Cecić Erpič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskali strokovno usposobljenost spremljevalcev otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra (MAS). V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena motnja avtističnega spektra, zgodovinski razvoj diagnosticiranja in obravnave avtizma v Sloveniji ter izobraževanje otrok z MAS pri nas. Prav tako smo predstavili zakonske podlage za opredelitev začasnega oziroma stalnega spremljevalca ter njegov pomen za otroka. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava o usposobljenosti spremljevalcev otrok z avtizmom, ki je bila izvedena novembra in decembra 2020. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 6 spremljevalk otrok z MAS. Zanimalo nas je, ali spremljevalci poznajo tipične značilnosti otrok z MAS, kakšna je njihova strokovna usposobljenost, s katerimi težavami se kot spremljevalci najpogosteje srečujejo, ali so njihove naloge natančno opredeljene, kako poteka njihova komunikacija s starši, kako je potekalo izobraževanje na daljavo, s kakšnimi izzivi so se spremljevalci srečevali ob ponovni vrnitvi v šolo in ali si želijo dodatnih izobraževanj na tem področju. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da so intervjuvane spremljevalke otrok z MAS v splošnem zelo dobro opremljene z znanjem, ki ga potrebujejo pri svojem delu. Vse spremljevalke imajo vsaj VI/2 stopnjo izobrazbe, od tega jih ima večina pedagoško izobrazbo, hkrati pa so se udeležile tudi dodatnih usposabljanj in izobraževanj, kjer so pridobili vsa potrebna znanja za uspešno opravljanje svojih delovnih nalog.


magistrska dela;avtizem;motnja avtističnega spektra;spremljevalec otroka z motnjami avtističnega spektra;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Niedorfer]
UDC: 374.7:616.896:37.011.3-051(043.2)
COBISS: 69403651 Link will open in a new window
Views: 930
Downloads: 194
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Personal assistants of children with autism spectrum disorder
Secondary abstract: In my Master's thesis we researched professional competence of assistants of children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). In the theoretical part of the thesis, we presented the ASD itself, historical development of diagnosing and treating autism in Slovenia, and educating the children with ASD. Furthermore, we presented legal basis of defining a temporary or permanent assistant and their significance for a child. In the empirical part we presented a research on ASD children assistants' qualifications, which was done in November and December of 2020. Six assistants of children with ASD had participated. We were interested in the knowledge they have on typical characteristics of children with ASD, which are the assistant's professional qualifications, which problems they face most frequently, if their tasks are well defined, how they communicate with the parents, how they managed distant education, what challenges the assistants faced, when they returned back to school and if they want additional education and training in this field. The analysis results indicated that the interviewed assistants of children with ASD are mostly very well equipped with the knowledge they need for their work. All the assistants have at least the VI/2 level of education and most of them have the pedagogical degree, while they also participated in extra training, where they gained all the required knowledge to successfully perform all of their duties.
Secondary keywords: master theses;preschool teacher;autism;autism spectrum disorder;assistants of children with autism spectrum disorder;Strokovni delavci;Avtizem;Vedenjsko moteni otroci;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: XVII, 173 str.
ID: 12908986