magistrsko delo
Katarina Kubelj (Author), Matjaž Maletič (Mentor)


Sindrom izgorelosti zaradi hitrega tempa življenja vse bolj postaja del in stalnica vsakdanjega življenja. Prisoten je v vseh gospodarskih panogah, glede na predhodne študije pa je najbolj razširjen v zdravstvu, zato je bila izvedena raziskava sindroma izgorelosti med zdravstvenimi delavci. Sindrom izgorelosti smo primerjali s kakovostjo zdravstvenega doma x in ugotovili nekatere povezave. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljen pomen ključnih besed magistrskega dela, opredeljena je delovna izčrpanost in pojasnjeni so glavni dejavniki, ki ločijo posameznika od faze delovne izčrpanosti, deloholizma in sindroma izgorelosti; opisani so vzroki in posledice le tega ter povzete ugotovitve raziskav že razširjenih primerov tako iz Slovenije kot tudi iz tujine. Povzete so glavne značilnosti managementa in kakovosti v zdravstvu ter analizirana je povezanost med njimi. V empiričnem delu je bil na podlagi različnih anketnih vprašalnikov oblikovan enoten vprašalnik, ki je z rezultati odgovarjal na vsa raziskovalna vprašanja. V njem so bila povezana vprašanja o sindromu izgorelosti, adrenalni izgorelosti in kakovosti v zdravstvenem sistemu. Med zdravstvene delavce zdravstvenega doma x je bilo razdeljenih 60 anket, vrnjenih je bilo 50 izpolnjenih anket. Na podlagi rezultatov izgorelost ni bila dokazana kljub tezam, da se v zdravstvenem sistemu pojavlja v največji meri. Ugotovljeno pa je bilo, da se izgorelost v celoti povezuje s sistemom kakovosti zdravstvenega sistema in da komunikacija z zaposlenimi zelo vpliva na samopodobo posameznika ter na razvoj sindroma izgorelosti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je kakovost zdravstvene nege povezana s kakovostjo delovnih pogojev. Vedenjski vzorci posameznikov, ki privedejo do izgorelosti, se v veliki meri povezujejo s telesno govorico posameznikov; če so le-ti utrujeni in izgoreli, bo ogrožena kakovost zdravstvene storitve. Sicer pa je zdravstvena nega v zdravstvenem domu x ustrezna, zato je predlagano upoštevanje načel kakovosti, da bo kakovost zdravstvene nege ostala na ustrezni ravni.


sindrom izgorelosti;kakovost v zdravstvu;zdravstveno osebje;adrenalna izgorelost;management v zdravstvu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [K. Šuc]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 70932995 Link will open in a new window
Views: 285
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of relationship between the burnout syndrome and the quality of medical services in health centre x
Secondary abstract: Burnout syndrome is becoming a big issue and problem in today's world, for all people who are under stress on a daily basis, it is an integral part of life. It is present in all industries and most common in healthcare. For this purpose, we have conducted a research on burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals and based on previous studies, it is highest there. We compared the burnout syndrome with the quality of health center x and found some correlations. In the theoretical part we defined the meaning of the key words of the master thesis, namely burnout syndrome, defined work exhaustion and explained what are the main reasons that separate the individual from the phase of work exhaustion, workaholism and burnout syndrome, described the causes and consequences of it and summarized the research of already widespread cases from Slovenia as well as from abroad. We summarized the main characteristics of management and quality in health care and analyzed the relationship between them. In the empirical part, we used different bases of questionnaires, from which we designed our own form that answered all the research questions. We linked questions about burnout syndrome, adrenal burnout and quality in the health care system. We surveyed 60 participants from Health Center x, back we received 50 complete surveys. Based on the results, we found that burnout syndrome is unproven, despite the thesis that health systems only have this disorder at its greatest extent. However, we found that it is fully integrated into the quality system of health care and that communication with employees affects the self-esteem of individuals and the development of burnout syndrome. We found that the quality of care is related to the quality of working conditions. The behavioral patterns of individuals that lead to burnout are largely related to the body language of individuals. If they are tired and burnt out, which we also hypothesized, the quality of care will be compromised. Otherwise, the care in the Health Center x is appropriate, so we propose the principles of quality, and considering them, the care will remain appropriate criteria.
Secondary keywords: Izgorelost (psihologija);Zdravstvena nega;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VIII, 104 f.
ID: 12909544
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