diplomsko delo
David Sevšek (Author), Srečko Glodež (Mentor), Gvido Španring (Co-mentor)


V podjetju Impol v družbi Rondal d.o.o. so se odločili za posodobitev ter nadgradnjo nekaterih strojev. Podjetje je potrebovalo novo izboljšano linijo za izdelavo rondic. Podjetje Tehnika -SET, katero je v tesnem sodelovanju z Impolom, se je odločilo za ponudbo, se pravi projektivo ter izdelavo celotne linije. Celotno linijo sestavljajo naslednji stroji: - odvijalec aluminijastih trakov; - stroj za hladno valjanje; - transportni trak; - stiskalnica ter - transportni trak za odpaden materjal in transportni trak za konči produkt. Diplomska naloga zavzema splošno predstavitev podjetja Tehnika – SET ter konstruiranje celotnega odvijalca. Odvijalec aluminijastih trakov je skonstuiran tako, da služi svojemu namenu s kar se da malo težavami. V diplomski nalogi je opisana celotna naloga odvijalca ter posamezno njegovi glavni sestavni deli. Pri samem konstruiranju so uporabljene izkušnje mentorja iz podjetja ter izkušnje delavcev iz podjetja Rondal d.o.o. Odvijalec ima preračunane glavne tri gredi, katere so najpomembnejše za statično nosilnost glavnih komponent stroja. Za odvijalec aluminijastih trakov je izrisana celotna dokumentacija, vendar so v diplomski nalogi predstavlljene samo risbe glavnih elementov oz. gredi ter sklopov. Na koncu so predstavljeni predlogi za izboljšanje samega odvijalca, kateri so se tekom naloge prikazali, da bi se dali izboljšati. Seveda pa bo najboljše rezultate pokazal čas delovanja stroja v primeru, da bo ponudba sprejeta od naročnika.


konstruiranje;aluminijasti trak;odvijalec;tehniška dokumentacija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [D. Sevšek]
UDC: 621.771.23.06(043.2)
COBISS: 75537923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 416
Downloads: 82
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Construction of an aluminum strip unwinder
Secondary abstract: In Impol company Rondal d.o.o., they decided to upgrade some machines. The company needed a new improved line to make aluminum slugs. The company Tehnika - SET, which is in close cooperation with Impol decided to make offer, which is, the design and production of the entire line. The entire line consists of the following machines: - aluminum tape unwinder; - cold rolling machine; - conveyor; - hydraulic press and - waste belt conveyor belt and finished product conveyor belt. Thesis includes a general presentation of the company Tehnika - SET and the construction of the entire unwinder. The aluminum strip unwinder is designed to serve its purpose with as little hassle as possible. The thesis describes the whole task of the unwinder and its main components separately. In the construction itself, the experience of the mentor from the company and the experience of the workers from the company Rondal d.o.o. were used. The unwinder has recalculated the main three shafts, which are the most important for the static load capacity of the main components of the machine. The entire documentation has been drawn for the aluminum strip screwdriver, but only the drawings of the main elements or shafts and assemblies are presented in the diploma thesis. At the end, there are suggestions for improving the unwinder itself, which were presented during the task in order to be improved. Of course, the best results will be shown by the operating time of the machine in case the offer is accepted by the client.
Secondary keywords: construction;aluminum strip;screwdriver;technical documentation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Konstrukterstvo
Pages: X, 38 f.
ID: 12933207