diplomsko delo
Benjamin Lülik (Author), Samo Skralovnik (Mentor)


V tem diplomskem delu je obravnavana tema socialne pravičnosti v Stari zavezi. Osnovna teza dela je ta, da Stara zaveza prepoznava občečloveški pojav socialne stiske in daje konkretne odgovore za rešitev ali vsaj blažitev tega univerzalnega problema. Socialna pravičnost je izjemno kompleksen koncept, ki obsega celoto družbenih odnosov in še posebej zadeva vprašanje delitve dobrin. Glede tega starozavezni pisci stremijo in pozivajo k stabilnosti in blaginji v kateri prepoznavajo Božjo voljo in blagoslov, tako za posameznika kot za družbo. Starozavezna socialna pravičnost se ne konča z Jezusom Kristusom, ampak z njim vstopa v zavest Cerkve in ostaja relevantna za sodobno izkušnjo družbene in okoljske problematike. Za namen opisane teze je na začetku predstavljen pregled pojmovanja pravičnosti v evropskem in semitskem prostoru. Posebno je obravnavan pregled bibličnega razumevanja pravičnosti. Nato sledi biblično-teološka analiza bolj specifičnih vidikov socialne pravičnosti v Stari zavezi. Pri tem so upoštevana tudi zgodovinska in arheološka dognanja. Poudarek je na pregledu značilnosti socialne pravičnosti, kot se nahajajo v zakonodajnih besedilih Peteroknjižja. Na koncu je analizirana še socialna pravičnost v luči besed in izkušenj preroka Jeremije, ki vodi do Nove Zaveze in sodobnega časa. Tako je na primeru papeža Frančiška vidno, da Cerkev vedno znova odkriva aktualnost starozavezne misli, ne samo za vernike, ampak tudi za širšo družbo.


socialna pravičnost;Stara zaveza;Sveto pismo;Izrael;Peteroknjižje;preroki;Jeremija;Frančišek;Cerkev;Jezus;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [B. Lülik]
UDC: 27-242:364.612(043.2)
COBISS: 64975619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 381
Downloads: 94
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social justice in the Old Testament
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with the topic of social justice in the Old Testament. The basic thesis of the work is that the Old Testament recognizes the universal phenomenon of the social dilema and gives concrete answers to the solution or at least alleviation of this universal problem. Social justice is an extremely complex concept that encompasses a whole range of relationships, especially the issue of sharing goods. In this regard, Old Testament writers strive and call for stability and prosperity in which they recognize God as the source of prosperity both for the individual and for society. Old Testament social justice does not end with Jesus Christ, but with him enters the consciousness of the Church and remains relevant to the modern experience of societal and ecological problems. For the purpose of the described thesis, an overview of justice in the European and Semitic space is initially presented. A review of the biblical understanding of justice is specifically addressed. It then follows a biblical-theological analysis of the more specific aspects of social justice in the Old Testament. Historical and archaeological findings are also taken into account. The emphasis is on the review of the characteristics of social justice that appears in the legislative texts of the Pentateuch. Finally, social justice is analyzed in the light of the words and experiences of the prophet Jeremiah, which leads to the New Testament and modern times. Thus, in the case of Pope Francis, it is evident that the Church is constantly rediscovering the relevance of Old Testament thought not only for believers but also for the wider society.
Secondary keywords: Social justice;Old Testament;Bible;Israel;Pentateuch;Prophets;Jeremiah;Francis;Church;Jezus;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: VI, 56 str.
ID: 12943125
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