Vera Smole (Author)


Pri ugotavljanju vzrokov in vpliva dejavnikov na opuščanje rabe maternega jezika pri govorcih zunaj meja matične države, v našem primeru slovenščine, se običajno išče in raziskuje tiste, ki izhajajo iz ožjega (predvsem družinskega) in širšega (predvsem družbeno-političnega) okolja, ni pa bilo (še) zaslediti raziskav, ki bi vključile posledice negativnega vre - dnotenja narečij; to je v nekem obdobju prihajalo celo iz vrst jezikoslovcev matičnega naroda, posredovali pa so ga učitelji slovenščine. Prispevek prinaša razmišljanje, porojeno ob prisotnosti izpovedi koroškega Slovenca, ki ga je tako (ne)stro - kovno ravnanje neposredno prizadelo, in izjave še nekaterih drugih koroških Slovencev, ki prav tako potrjujejo ta popolno - ma zgrešen odnos do narečne zvrsti; žal je bil eden od ključnih dejavnikov pri množični zamenjavi slovenščine kot jezika družine in kot pogovornega jezika z nemščino


slovenščina;slovenska narečja;jezik družine;slovenščina v zamejstvu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 811.163.6'282(497.4):323.15(436.5=163.6)
COBISS: 57932130 Link will open in a new window
Views: 224
Downloads: 30
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In identifying causes of and influences on the abandonment of the use of the mother tongue among speakers outside the borders of the "mother country", in this case Slovene, research usually looks at factors that arise from the narrower (mainly family) environment and the wider socio-political context, whereas there seems to have been no research into the influences of the negative evaluation of dialects; at certain times this has even come from linguists in Slovenia and has been passed on by teachers of Slovene. This contribution is based on thoughts brought about by the testimony of a Carinthian Slovene who was directly affected by (un)professional behaviour of this kind, as well as the statements of other Carinthian Slovenes that similarly confirm the occurrence of this completely misguided attitude to dialectal varieties; sadly, this was one of the key factors in the mass replacement of Slovene by German as the language used at home and for everyday communication
Secondary keywords: Slovenian;Slovenian dialect;home language;Slovenian in cross-border areas;
Pages: Str. 18-26
ID: 12972425
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