analiza potrošniškega vidika na primeru OriginTrail protokola
Marko Rihtaršič (Author), Gregor Petrič (Mentor), Andraž Petrovčič (Co-mentor)


Tehnologija verige blokov je decentraliziran način hranjenja in izmenjave podatkov, ki vzbuja veliko zanimanje na različnih gospodarskih področjih. Med njimi so tudi oskrbovalne verige, v katerih se tehnologija potencialnim potrošnikom predstavlja kot zaupen in fleksibilen način preverjanja porekla izdelkov širše potrošnje. Na primeru OriginTrail protokola smo želeli identificirati najpomembnejše dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na namero potencialnih potrošnikov, da bi bili tehnologijo verige blokov pripravljeni uporabljati za preverjanje porekla izdelkov, ki jih kupujejo. S pomočjo UTAUT modela so bili analizirani vplivi dejavnikov, ki teoretično pojasnjujejo namero za uporabo tehnologije OriginTrail. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo spletne ankete na vzorcu 109 slovensko in angleško govorečih uporabnikov različnih družbenih omrežij. Rezultati regresijske analize so pokazali, da so imeli dejavniki pričakovana zmogljivost, pričakovan napor, hedonistična motivacija in družbeni vpliv statistično značilen vpliv na namero potrošnikov za uporabo tehnologije OriginTrail. Olajševalne okoliščine niso bile uvrščene v regresijski model, ker njihov merski instrument ni bil zanesljiv in veljaven. Spol, starost in izobrazba na vpliv izbranih dejavnikov niso imeli moderacijskega učinka. V zaključku so podane ključne ugotovitve in omejitve magistrskega dela, ki jih velja upoštevati v nadaljnjih raziskavah.


OriginTrail;tehnologija verige blokov;oskrbovalna veriga;UTAUT;linearna regresija;Verige blokov (zbirke podatkov);Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Rihtaršič]
UDC: 004:366(043.2)
COBISS: 66336259 Link will open in a new window
Views: 398
Downloads: 68
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Blockchain technology in the supply chain: analysis of the customer perspective based on OriginTrail protocol
Secondary abstract: Blockchain technology is a decentralized way of data storage and exchange that is receiving a lot of attention in different segments of the economy. Among them are supply chains, where this technology offers a reliable and flexible way for potential customers to trace the origin of the consumer goods, that they are buying. Based on OriginTrail protocol case study, we set out to identify the most important factors that influence the intention of potential customers to use blockchain technology to trace the origin of products that they are buying. Drawing on the UTAUT model, we analyzed the causal relationship of factors that theoretically explain the intention to use OriginTrail technology. The data were collected with a web survey on a sample of 109 Slovene and English speaking users of various social networking sites. The results of regression analysis have confirmed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation and social influence factors had a statistically significant effect on the intention to use OriginTrail technology. Facilitating conditions have not been used in the regression analysis due to an unreliable and invalid measurement instrument. Gender, age and education did not have a moderating effect on the chosen effects in the regression model. In the conclusion, there are relevant findings and limitations of the masterʼs thesis, which can be considered in further research.
Secondary keywords: OriginTrail;blockchain technology;supply chain;UTAUT;regression analysis;Blockchains (Databases);Tržne poti;Marketing channels;Potrošniki;Consumers;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 106 str.
ID: 12982355
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