magistrsko delo
Nejc Trpin (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Tehnologija se nenehno razvija in kot odraz na to se v poslovnem svetu pojavljajo različni koncepti, s pomočjo katerih lahko organizacije implementirajo najsodobnejše tehnologije kot so internet stvari, strojno učenje, napredna analitika in umetna inteligenca v svoje poslovanje. V zadnjih letih se vedno bolj govori o konceptu inteligentnih organizacij (angl. Intelligent enterprise), katere s pomočjo implementacije naprednih inteligentnih tehnologij v različnih industrijah uvajajo inovacije na raznih področji poslovanja ter s tem postavljajo mejnike tehnološkega napredka in strateškega razvoja za podjetja po vsem svetu. Ker številna podjetja, želijo doseči to inteligentno komponento poslovanja s pomočjo uvedbe koncepta inteligentne organizacije, so različni ponudniki programskih rešitev na trgu predstavili okvirje informacijske infrastrukture, nove programske rešitve in aplikacije, ki omogočajo integracijo najsodobnejših tehnologij v poslovanje. Eno takšnih podjetji je podjetje SAP, katero je na trg predstavilo svoj komplet rešitev za SAP inteligentno organizacijo. V prvem delu magistrske nalogo smo se posvetili pojmu inteligentne organizacije, ga pojasnili, opredelili smo katere pogoje morajo podjetja izpolnjevati, da jih lahko tretiramo kot inteligentne organizacije inteligentne organizacije in predstavili pogoje za opredelitev podjetja kot SAP inteligentne organizacije ter opredelili osnovno sestavo SAP inteligentnih organizacij. Raziskali smo napredne tehnologije inteligentnih organizacij ter preučili pojem rešitev ERP, saj rešitve ERP predstavljajo digitalno jedro inteligentnih organizacij. V nadaljevanju smo raziskovali različne metodologije, strategije in kritične dejavnike katere je potrebno upoštevati pri uvedbi koncepta inteligentne organizacije v podjetje. Sledila je podrobnejša analiza SAP S/4 HANA rešitve in drugih tehnologij, ki pogosto igrajo pomembno vlogo pri uvedbi koncepta inteligentne organizacij ter predstavljajo njihove ključne komponente digitalnega okvirja ter informacijske podpore. Drugi del magistrske naloge smo posvetili analizi treh študijskih primerov podjetij različnih panog, ki so v svoje poslovanje v določeni meri že uvedle koncept inteligentne organizacije s pomočjo rešitev podjetja SAP. Ob tem smo poskušali ugotoviti uspešnost implementacij koncepta v podjetja glede na njihove predhodno zastavljene cilje, preučili smo tudi katere rešitve so v posamezna podjetja bile implementirane, ter analizirali splošno stanje po uvedbi koncepta v podjetje. Ta del raziskave je predstavljal praktično osnovo, za potrditev ugotovitev iz teoretičnega dela.


informacijska tehnologija;inteligentna organizacija;umetna inteligenca;iformacijske rešitve;SAP;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: N. Trpin
UDC: 004.77
COBISS: 74853379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 347
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Implementation of the intelligent enterprise concept with the use of SAP solutions
Secondary abstract: Technology is constantly evolving and as a reflection of this, various concepts are emerging in the business world through which organizations can implement state-of-the-art technologies such as the Internet of Things, machine learning, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence into their business. In recent years, there has been increasing talk about the concept of iIntelligent enterprises, which through the implementation of advanced intelligent technologies in various industries introduce innovations in various areas of business and thus set milestones of technological progress and strategic development for companies worldwide. As many companies want to achieve this intelligent business component by introducing the concept of the intelligent enterprise, various software solution providers on the market have introduced information infrastructure frameworks, new software solutions and applications that enable the integration of advanced technologies into the business workflow. One such company is SAP, which has introduced its suite of solutions for the SAP intelligent enterprise. In the first part of the research we focused on the concept of intelligent enterprise, explained it, defined the conditions that companies must meet to be treated as intelligent enterprises and presented the conditions for defining a company as SAP intelligent organizations and defined the basic composition of SAP intelligent enterprises. We researched advanced technologies of intelligent organizations and examined the concept of ERP systems, as ERP solutions represent the digital core of an intelligent enterprise. In the following, we researched various methodologies, strategies and critical factors that need to be taken into account when introducing the concept of the intelligent enterprise into a company. This was followed by a more detailed analysis of the SAP S /4 HANA solution and other SAP technologies, which often play an important role in implementing the concept and represent the key components of the digital framework in an intelligent enterprise. The second part of the master's thesis was dedicated to the analysis of three case studies of companies in various industries, which to some extent have already introduced the concept of an intelligent enterprise into their business with the help of SAP solutions. At the same time, we tried to determine the success of the implementation of the concept in companies according to their previously set goals, we also examined which solutions were implemented in individual companies, and analyzed the general situation after the introduction of the concept in the company. This part of the research provided a practical basis for confirming the findings of the theoretical part.
Secondary keywords: Intelligent enterprise;SAP;artificial intelligence;ERP solutions;SAP S / 4HANA;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 72 str.
ID: 12987074