(magistrsko diplomsko delo)


Magistrsko delo obravnava dokaz z izvedencem v postopkih za odločanje o varstvu in vzgoji otroka, preživljanju otroka in otrokovih stikih. V uvodu je predstavljena pereča problematika predolgo trajajočih postopkov, odziv zakonodajalca nanjo ter hipoteza, da bi lahko na hitrejši zaključek konkretnega postopka vplivali vsi udeleženi. Jedro magistrske naloge se prične s predstavitvijo materialno- in procesnopravne podlage za odločanje o varstvu in vzgoji otroka, preživljanju in stikih. Sledi poglavje o sodnih izvedencih in pomembnejših določilih Zakona o sodnih izvedencih, sodnih cenilcih in sodnih tolmačih, s sprejemom katerega je zakonodajalec med drugim poskušal nasloviti problematiko predlogo trajajočih postopkov z izvedenci, nato pa še kratka predstavitev dokazovanja v nepravdnem postopku, na katerih temelji tudi postopek dokazovanja z izvedencem. V nadaljevanju magistrske naloge so predstavljena zakonska določila, ki urejajo postopek z izvedencem, prepletena s primeri iz sodne prakse, ki nazorno prikažejo način uresničevanja določb v postopku ter praktične probleme, ki se pojavljajo v zvezi z izpostavljenimi določbami. Na podlagi podanih komentarjev bralec spozna, kako lahko sodišče, izvedenci, CSD, udeleženci in njihovi pooblaščenci ravnajo v postopkih za odločanje o varstvu in vzgoji otroka, preživljanju otroka in otrokovih stikih, v katerih je bil oz. bi moral biti angažiran izvedenec, da se bo poglavitni cilj postopka, varstvo otrokove koristi, hitreje in strokovno dosegel.


sodni izvedenec;izvedensko mnenje;dokazovanje;nepravdni postopek;postopek za odločanje o varstvu in vzgoji otroka;analiza sodne prakse;civilno procesno pravo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [A. Clemente]
UDC: 347.9:347.61/.68(043.2)
COBISS: 67645699 Link will open in a new window
Views: 350
Downloads: 131
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Expert evidence in the proceedings for deciding on the care and upbringing, maintenance of a child and child's contacts with parents
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with the topic of expert evidence in the proceedings for deciding on the care and upbringing, maintenance of a child and contacts with parents. In the introduction, the reader is informed about the acute problem of excessive duration of such proceedings in Slovenia, the legislator's response to it and my hypothesis that all the participants of such proceedings could help accelerate them. In the main part of the thesis, the reader is firstly acquainted with the Slovenian legislation in force that represents the legal basis for the proceedings for deciding on the care and upbringing, maintenance of a child and contacts with parents. Then follows the chapter on court experts and the selected provisions from Court Experts, Certified Appraisers and Court Interpreters Act, with the adoption of which the legislator tried, among other things, to address the problem of too lengthy proceedings with court experts. The chapter ends with a brief presentation of evidence-taking in non-contentious proceedings, which is also the basis of evidence-taking involving a court expert. This is followed by a short description of common areas of expertise needed in proceedings for deciding on the care and upbringing, maintenance of a child and contacts with parents. The most important part of the thesis is the case-law study. It highlights dilemmas that often arise in relation to expert evidence in such proceedings. It focuses primarily on revealing the causes of excessive duration of such proceedings and provides commentaries on what could be improved to accelerate aforementioned proceedings. The purpose of this case-law study is to inform the reader that the proceedings can be sped up if only the judge, court expert, the social centre service, the participants or their attorney act in such a way that the primary goal of aforementioned proceedings – protecting the rights and legal interests of a child – is achieved within a reasonable time.
Secondary keywords: court expert;expert opinion;evidence-taking;non-contentious civil procedure;proceedings for deciding on the care and upbringing;maintenance of a child and contacts with parents;civil procedure;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 58 f.
ID: 13032345