magistrsko delo
Tea Kos (Author), Vera Grebenc (Mentor)


Delo vsebuje kratek teoretični pregled spreminjanja vloge zdravja in bolezni v današnjem času ter predstavi medicinski in socialni pogled na zdravstveno obravnavo. V povezavi s tem se postavi pomembno vprašanje o poimenovanju ljudi, ki so uporabniki zdravstvenega varstva. Nato so predstavljene teme medpoklicnega izobraževanja in sodelovanja, ki sta dva pomembna vidika za dobro delovanje zdravstvenega tima in celostno obravnavo pacienta. Zdravstveni tim je najpogostejša oblika sodelovalnega dela, ki lahko združuje tudi člane različnih strok. Taki tim so multidisciplinarni, s trdim delom in stalnim izobraževanjem pa se lahko razvijejo v interdisciplinarne. Del zdravstvenega tima je tudi socialno delo kot stroka, vendar drugi člani tima njenega prispevka pogosto ne opazijo. Socialno delo kot stroka spada na področje socialnega varstva, zato si je moralo svoje mesto med zdravstvenimi strokami s področja zdravstvenega varstva šele izboriti. Z raziskovalnim delom naloge sem želela raziskati pogled različnih strok na socialno delo kot stroko. Opravila sem dvanajst intervjujev, in sicer s študenti zdravstvenih smeri in študentko socialnega dela, ki so poslušali predavanja iz medpoklicnega sodelovanja, ter z zaposlenimi v zdravstvu, natančneje v URI Soča. Zanimalo me je, kako druge stroke vidijo prispevek socialnega dela kot stroke v zdravstvenemu timu. Med pisanjem teorije in analize intervjujev se je odprlo pet pomembnih tem, ki sem jih opisala v rezultatih. Te teme so: pogled na socialno delo, medpoklicno izobraževanje, usklajevanje etike delovanje tima in obravnava pacienta. Želim si, da bi bila moja naloga v razmislek študentom in zdravstvenim delavcem o tem, kako pomembno je medpoklicno izobraževanje in sodelovanje za dobro obravnavo pacienta.


zdravje;bolezen;medpoklicno izobraževanje;medpoklicno sodelovanje;interdisciplinarno povezovanje;zdravstvo;socialno delo;zdravstveni timi;URI Soča;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [T. Kos]
UDC: 364.4:614
COBISS: 72983043 Link will open in a new window
Views: 291
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social work in healthcare team
Secondary abstract: The thesis consists of a short theoretical overview of the changing role of health and disease and presents medical and social view of the medical treatment. Regarding this topic emerges an important question about naming the people, who use health insurance. We continue with the topics of interprofessional education and collaboration as two important aspects for the quality of work of the healthcare team and for integrated treatment. The healthcare team is the most common form of collaborative work, which can bring together members of various professions. Those teams are called multidisciplinary, which can be transformed into interdisciplinary, with hard work and constant training. Social work is an important part of such healthcare teams, but their work is not always acknowledged by the other members. The profession of social work, which basically belongs to the field of social care, had to find its place among the medical professions in the field of helath care. With the research part of my thesis, I wanted to explore views of various professions on the profession of social work. I conducted twelve interviews, with medical and social work students, who attended the subject of interprofessional cooperation and with those already employed in health care at URI Soča. I was particularly interested in how other professions see the contribution of social work to the healthcare team. During the writing of the theory and the analysis of the interviews, five important topics were opened, which I described in the results. These topics are: the view of social work, interprofessional education, coordination of ethics, team work and patient care. I wish my thesis would serve as a reflection to students and medical professionals, on how important interprofessional education and collaboration is, for a good treatment of the patient.
Secondary keywords: health;disease;multidisciplinary education;social work;healthcare team;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (172 str.))
ID: 13036511