magistrsko delo
Politična participacija in mladinska politika sta močno povezani področji in postajata skoraj fenomen vsakodnevnega (političnega) diskurza. Pogostost pojavljanja v razpravah je sicer pozitivna, kar pa se ne nujno realizira v konkretnih ukrepih. V delu pri raziskovanju politične participacije in mladinske politike seveda ne moremo mimo definiranja pojma politika oziroma politično in predvsem mimo vpliva mednarodnega okolja na oblikovanje mladinske politike v Sloveniji. Zakon o javnem interesu v mladinskem sektorju, ki je bil sprejet v letu 2010, je na normativni ravni uredil ključne sklope tematik v mladinskem sektorju, kot so definicije pojmov in področij mladinskega sektorja, javni interes v mladinskem sektorju ter način uresničevanja javnega interesa v mladinskem sektorju. Opredelil je tudi nacionalni program za mladino kot temeljni strateški dokument na področju mladih. Nacionalni program, v katerem so opredeljeni ukrepi za uresničevanje javnega interesa v mladinskem sektorju, je bil sprejet v letu 2013, s konkretnimi cilji in ukrepi. A vendar se zastavlja dvom, da zakonodajni okvir in strateški dokumenti zaradi odsotnosti medsektorskega sodelovanja med različnimi deležniki ter pomanjkljive finančne podpore ukrepov za mlade sploh pripomoreta k urejanju mladinskih politik in dvigu participacije mladih. V magistrskem delu poskušam predstaviti okvir vpliva normativne ureditve mladinske politike na dejansko participacijo mladih.
mladi;mladinska politika;participacija mladih;mladinski sektor;zagovorništvo mladih;Magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences |
Publisher: |
[M. Urbanc] |
UDC: |
34-053.6-053.81(043.2) |
Views: |
193 |
Downloads: |
40 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The impact of the Public Interest Act in the youth sector on youth advocacy |
Secondary abstract: |
Political participation and youth policy are strongly related areas and are becoming almost a phenomenon of everyday (political) discourse. The frequency of appearances in discussions is positive, but this is not necessarily materialized in concrete measures. The Public Interest in the Youth Sector Act, adopted in 2010, defined key areas in the youth sector on the normative level, such as definitions of terms and areas of the youth sector, public interest in the youth sector and the process of establishing the public interest in the youth sector. It has also identified the National Youth Program as a fundamental strategic document in the field of youth. The national program, which defines measures for the achieving the public interest in the youth sector, was adopted in 2013, with concrete goals and measures. However, it is doubtful that the legislative framework and strategic documents, due to the lack of cross-sectoral cooperation between different stakeholders and the lack of financial support for measures, helps to regulate youth policies and increases youth participation. In the master's thesis we try to present the framework of the influence of the normative regulation of youth policy on the actual participation of young people. |
Secondary keywords: |
youth;youth policy;youth participation;youth sector;youth advocacy;Mladina;Youth;Politična participacija;Political participation;Zakonodaja;Legislation;Master's theses; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede |
Pages: |
83 str. |
ID: |
13044651 |