practical dilemmas and theoretical considerations
Jan Stajnko (Editor), Miha Šepec (Editor), István Szijártó (Editor)


This publication contains abstracts of contributions presented at the conference "European Investigation Order – Practical Dilemmas and Theoretical Considerations", which was held online on 8th and 9th of December 2020. Practitioners and academics from multiple EU Member States shared best practices and identified key shortcomings of the European Investigation Order. The event was executed as an integral part of the EU JUST project “European Investigation Order – Legal Analysis and Practical Dilemmas (EIP-LAPD)”, coordinated by the University of Maribor. The structure of the publication roughly follows the agenda of the conference. In the first part the future of mutual recognition and judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EU is addressed. The second part is more closely focused at the European Investigation Order. Some theoretical dilemmas as well as practical considerations are presented. Lastly, some national reports which were drafted as a key deliverable of the EIO-LAPD project are also outlined.


evropsko kazensko pravo;EU;čezmejno zbiranje dokazov;vzajemno priznavanje;dokazovanje;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.25 - Other Monographs and Other Completed Works
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: University of Maribor, University Press
UDC: 343.13(4)(082)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 64391171 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-476-7
Views: 559
Downloads: 11
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Evropski preiskovalni nalog
Secondary abstract: Publikacija vsebuje povzetke prispevkov, ki so bili predstavljeni na spletni konferenci »European Investigation Order – Practical Dilemmas and Theoretical Considerations«. Ta je potekala 8. In 9. Decembra 2020. Strokovnjaki iz prakse in akademiki iz več držav EU so izmenjali dobre prakse in razpravljali o pomanjkljivostih evropskega preiskovalnega naloga. Dogodek je bil izveden v okviru EU JUST projekta “European Investigation Order – Legal Analysis and Practical Dilemmas (EIP-LAPD)”, ki ga koordinira Univerza v Mariboru. Struktura publikacije v grobem sledi programu konference. V prvem delu je naslovljena prihodnost vzajemnega priznavanja in pravosodnega sodelovanja v kazenskih zadevah v EU. Drugi del bolj neposredno naslavlja problematiko, povezano z evropskim preiskovalnim nalogom. Predstavljene so tako teoretične kot praktične dileme. Nazadnje so povzeta tudi nekatera nacionalna poročila, ki so bila izdelana kot rezultat projekta EIO-LAPD.
Secondary keywords: Kazensko pravo;Zborniki (posvetovanja);
Type (COBISS): Proceedings
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (46 str.))
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-476-7
ID: 13055816