magistrsko delo
Mateja Korpar (Author), Edvard Protner (Mentor)


Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so predvsem otroci, potrebni posebnega razumevanja, posebne ljubezni in pozornosti. Zato je v vrtcu zelo pomembna zgodnja obravnava, ki otroku omogoči, da lahko čim prej začne koristiti dodatno strokovno pomoč za odpravljanje svojih primanjkljajev. Vendar se zelo pogosto zgodi, da ni tako tudi zaradi premalo usposobljenega kadra in same komunikacije vzgojitelj - starši. Starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami večkrat zavračajo komunikacijo in se je izogibajo, ko jim vrtec želi sporočiti svoje videnje, zato se zgodi, da otroci niso obravnavani pravočasno in zelo težko nadomestijo zamujene ure pomoči. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela najprej razložimo pot od segregacije do inkluzije, nadaljujemo z usposabljanjem vzgojiteljev v rednih oddelkih vrtca. V nadaljevanju podajamo procese in načine komuniciranja ter prakso, ki se izvaja v vrtcih. Teoretični del zaokrožamo s predstavitvijo postopka pridobitve zapisnika in kasneje odločbe za otroka s posebnimi potrebami. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela je podana analiza anket, ki smo jih pridobili od vzgojiteljic vrtcev iz Maribora in okolice. Podatke smo obdelali v SPSS-programu. V anketi nas je zanimalo mnenje vzgojiteljev, ali so dovolj usposobljeni za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, kako za njihovo usposabljanje skrbi zavod ter kakšno komunikacijo imajo s starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da večina zavodov podpira inkluzijo otrok s posebnimi potrebami v redne vrtce, prav tako se zavedajo usposobljenosti zaposlenih in jih dodatno izobražujejo. Vzgojiteljem delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami predstavlja izziv, čeprav se včasih čutijo premalo usposobljeni za delo z njimi. Ugotavljajo, da se starši otrok s posebnimi potrebami še vedno ne zavedajo dovolj pomena sodelovanja in komunikacije z vzgojiteljem, a dobro sodelujejo, kadar gre za pridobivanje odločbe za otroka s posebnimi potrebami.


magistrska dela;inkluzija;otroci s posebnimi potrebami;komunikacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Korpar]
UDC: 373.2:376(043.2)
COBISS: 86000387 Link will open in a new window
Views: 778
Downloads: 178
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Communication between pre-school teachers and parents of pre-school children with special needs in regular kindergarden classes in maribor and its sourrounding
Secondary abstract: Children with special needs are mostly children who need special understanding, love and attention. Therefore, early treatment of a child in a kindergarten is vital as it enables the preschool teachers to assist the child as early as possible and thus work towards reducing their deficiencies. However, it often happens that this is not the case due to the undertrained staff and the poor preschool teacher-parent communication. Parents often refuse to communicate with the preschool teachers and avoid it when presented with the situation. Thus it often occurs that children are not assisted in time and have difficulties later due to the lack of help at an early age. In the theoretical part of this thesis we describe the way from segregation to inclusion and the training of the preschool teachers in regular kindergarten classes. The processes and ways of communication and their execution are pointed out. In conclusion we presented a procedure of acquiring the minutes and later the official decision for the assistance assigned to the child with special needs. The empirical part of the thesis consists of the analyses of the questionnaire answered by the preschool teachers in kindergartens in Maribor and its vicinity. The data have been processed with the SPSS programme. The questionnaire was intended to research the preschool teachers' opinion on whether they see themselves well trained for working with children with special need, how their institution takes care of their training and what is their communication with the children's parents like. The research has shown that most kindergartens support the inclusion of the children with special need in the regular programme kindergartens. Besides this, the employers are aware of the importance of training for their employees, therefore they encourage it. Preschool teachers perceive working with children with special need as a challenge and they often feel undertrained. At the same time, they establish that the parents of the children with special needs are still not aware of the importance of cooperation and communication with the child's preschool teacher. However, when acquiring the decisions for the assistance to the child with special need, parents usually cooperate with preschool teachers well.
Secondary keywords: master theses;inclusion;children with special needs;communication;Predšolski otroci;Otroci s posebnimi potrebami;Inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XII, 75 str.))
ID: 13057836