diplomsko delo
Jan Uršič (Author), Luka Gale (Mentor), Nina Zupančič (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem poskušal kvantitativno, s pomočjo absolutnih vrednosti in razmerij morfometričnih podatkov, opredeliti razlike med triasnimi in zgodnjejurskimi vrstami foraminifer rodu Trocholina ter na ta način podati čim bolj objektiven način razlikovanja med njimi. V ta namen sem uporabil statistične analize, ki so zajemale opisno statistiko, parametrično ter neparametrično Kruskal-Wallisovo analizo variance in t-test. V kvantitativne in statistične analize je bilo vključenih 329 primerkov, ki so predstavljali 17 vrst. S statističnimi analizami se med seboj ni dalo ločiti naslednjih vrst: T. acuta od T. cordevolica in T. gracilis; T. conica od T. granosa, T. laevis, T. plagiostoma, T. umbo in T. verrucosa; T. cordevolica od T. gracilis; T. gracilis od T. turris, T. granosa od T. laevis, T. umbo in T. verrucosa ter T. laevis od T. verrucosa. Statistično neločljive vrste sem poskušal ločiti na podlagi opisov tipskih primerkov. Neločljive so ostale vrste T. conica od T. granosa ter T. plagiostoma in T. granosa od T. laevis in T. umbo, kar nakazuje na možno sinonimiko vrst.


foraminifere;Trocholina;taksonomija;morfometrija;statistika;trias;spodnja jura;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [J. Uršič]
UDC: 55
COBISS: 71566339 Link will open in a new window
Views: 465
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: morphometric analysis of Triassic and early Jurassic foraminifera Trocholina
Secondary abstract: In my graduate thesis I tried to define the differences between Triassic and Early Jurassic species of foraminiferal genus Trocholina based on absolute values and ratios and present an objective way of distinguishing between them. For this purpose, different types of statistical analysis were used, which included descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance and t-test. Quantitative and statistical analyzes included 329 specimens representing 17 species. Based on statistical analyzes, some species could not be distinguished from each other. The following species could not be distinguished by statistical analysis: T. acuta from T. cordevolica and T. gracilis; T. conica from T. granosa, T. laevis, T. plagiostoma, T. umbo and T. verrucosa; T. cordevolica from T. gracilis; T. gracilis from T. turris, T. granosa from T. laevis, T. umbo and T. verrucosa and T. laevis from T. verrucosa. I tried to distinguish statistically inseparable species on the basis of descriptions of type specimens. Almost all were distinguished except T. conica from T. granosa and T. plagiostoma and T. granosa from T. laevis and T. umbo, which is an indicator for possible synonymy.
Secondary keywords: foraminifera;Trocholina;taxonomy;morphometry;statistics;Triassic;Early Jurassic;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za geologijo
Pages: IX, 66 f.
ID: 13096285