magistrsko delo
Timotej Fafulić (Author), Gorazd Bajc (Mentor), Tibor Rutar (Mentor)


Po drugi svetovni vojni je oblast v Jugoslaviji prevzela komunistična partija, ki se je takoj lotila obnove porušene države. Ambiciozne gospodarske načrte ji je že leta 1948 prekrižala izključitev iz Informbiroja, kar jo je prisililo v iskanje pomoči na Zahodu. Ob sprejetju nove socialistične smeri - samoupravljanja so v 50. letih beležili dobre gospodarske rezultate. Toda kriza v začetku šestdesetih je jugoslovansko vodstvo prisilila v iskanje novih rešitev. Rezultat je bila t. i. tržna reforma, ki je bila sprejeta leta 1965 in je vodila v jugoslovansko gospodarsko odpiranje na Zahod, ki pa ni prineslo želenih rezultatov. Gospodarski položaj se je dodatno poslabšal, državo pa so pretresala vedno večja politična in mednacionalna nesoglasja. S pomočjo preučevanja, analize in interpretacije različnih virov ter najbolj relevantne znanstvene literature je predstavljena tedanja politična ekonomija, ideologija in glavno družbeno dogajanje, ki je botrovalo neuspehu reforme. Magistrsko delo obravnava tudi antagonistično razmerje med politično avantgardo (Zvezo komunistov Jugoslavije) in delavstvom, rast brezposelnosti in pojav delavskih stavk ter večanje razlik med republikami. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je zgodovinsko-sociološka analiza razlogov in posledic tržne reforme v Jugoslaviji, tako na političnem, ekonomskem kot družbenem področju.


magistrska dela;tržni socializem;samoupravljanje;tržna reforma 1965;liberalizem;nacionalizem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Fafulić]
UDC: 94(497.1):316.77"19"(043.2)
COBISS: 75339779 Link will open in a new window
Views: 316
Downloads: 58
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂA ǂhistorical and sociological analysis of market socialism in Yugoslavia, 1965%1972
Secondary abstract: After the Second World War, the communist party took over in newly founded Yugoslavia. This marks the period of post-war reconstruction of the state. 1948's split with the Informbiro crossed Yugoslavia's ambitious economic plans which led to leaning towards the West. After adopting the new socialist self-management system in the 1950s, results in economy gradually improved until the economic crisis at the beginning of the 1960s. Yugoslavia needed to find new solutions which resulted in the economic reform of 1965. The latter led to opening Yugoslavia's market to the Western hemisphere but did not bring the desired results. The economic situation worsened and the country was shattered by political and international disputes. By analyzing and interpreting various historical sources and academic literature political economy, ideology, and societal changes which affected 1965's economic reform are presented. The following thesis analyzes the antagonistic relationship between political avant-garde (League of Communists of Yugoslavia) and the working class. Moreover, it studies the rise in unemployment, the emergence of working-class parties, and increasing gap between Yugoslavia's republics. The main objective of the thesis is a historical-sociological analysis of the causes and consequences of 1965's economic reform in the political, economic and social sphere.
Secondary keywords: master theses;market socialism;self-management;economic reform 1965;liberalism;nationalism;Ekonomija;Jugoslavija;1965-1972;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino in Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: XI f., 120 str.
ID: 13100842