percepcija učiteljev
Marko Reich (Author), Milena Košak Babuder (Mentor)


Čustvene in vedenjske težave so pri učiteljih vedno veljale za enega največjih izzivov, s katerim se pedagoški delavci srečujejo med opravljanjem svojega dela. Do danes so bile na področju čustvenih in vedenjskih težav izvedene številne raziskave. Vzroki zanje so se pripisovali mnogim različnim dejavnikom, tako bolezenskim stanjem kot tudi vzgoji. Izziv, s katerim se srečujejo učitelji, predstavljajo tudi težave pri učenju oz. učna neuspešnost učencev zaradi specifičnih učnih težav. Učitelji potrebujejo veliko dodatnih znanj na obeh področjih, da lahko učencem s tovrstnimi težavami pomagajo. Pri učencih se specifične učne težave pogosto prepletajo s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. Številne raziskave so dokazale, da se lahko pri učencih s specifičnimi učnimi težavami neprimerni vedenjski vzorci pojavijo kot posledica frustracij na učnem področju. Prav tako je dokazano, da imajo osebe s specifičnimi učnimi težavami pogosto težave z uporabo socialnih veščin v različnih socialnih situacijah. Neustrezna raba socialnih veščin lahko negativno vpliva na čustvovanje in vedenje učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. V magistrskem delu smo proučili percepcijo učiteljev ob srečevanju z učenci z izrazitimi specifičnimi učnimi težavami ter čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 84 učiteljev, ki poučujejo na rednih osnovnih šolah v Sloveniji. S pomočjo vprašalnikov za učitelje smo ugotavljali njihovo doživljanje dela z učenci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami, ki se pojavljajo skupaj s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kako pogosto se srečujejo z učenci, pri katerih sta prisotni obe vrsti težav, ter ali menijo, da se pri učencih s specifičnimi učnimi težavami (v nadaljevanju SUT) čustvene in vedenjske težave pokažejo pogosteje kot pri učencih brez omenjenih težav. Ugotavljali smo še, ali se v primerih, ko gre za učence s SUT, učitelji poslužujejo drugačnih metod odpravljanja neprimernega vedenja, kot če gre za učence brez SUT in ali se čutijo dovolj usposobljene za reševanje tako izobraževalnih, kot tudi disciplinskih težav, ki se pojavijo pri tej skupini učencev. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali in kako pogosto se učitelji dodatno usposabljajo za delo z učenci s SUT, ki imajo tudi čustvene in vedenjske težave. Rezultati so pokazali, da se je večina učiteljev, tudi tistih, ki še nimajo veliko let delovne dobe, že srečala z več kot petimi učenci s SUT, pri katerih se pojavljajo čustvene in vedenjske težave. Hkrati so povečini mnenja, da se pri učencih s SUT pogosteje pojavljajo oblike neprimernega vedenja, kakor pri učencih, ki nimajo SUT. Anketirani učitelji opažajo, da šolska neuspešnost pomembno vpliva na pojav neprimernih vedenjskih vzorcev, saj jih je večina navedla, da so tekom svojega dela že opazili neprimerno vedenje, ki se je pojavilo kot posledica neuspeha na šolskem področju. Večina učiteljev ob pojavu neprimernih oblik vedenja prav tako upošteva dejstvo, ali gre za učenca s SUT ali ne in se odzove temu primerno – v primeru, da gre za učenca s SUT torej postopa drugače, manj strogo oz. bolj prizanesljivo, kot postopa v primerih, ko gre za učenca, ki nima SUT. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da se učitelji čutijo le delno usposobljene za delo z učenci s SUT ter čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami, zelo majhen delež se jih je tudi že dodatno izobraževal na tem področju, čeprav bi se dodatnih izobraževanj s področja dela z učenci s SUT, pri katerih se kažejo neprimerni vedenjski vzorci, če bi se ponudila priložnost, udeležili tudi ostali. Ugotovili smo še, da se mnenja učiteljev o tem, katere oblike neprimernega vedenja jim predstavljajo največji izziv, močno razlikujejo ter da se, kadar potrebujejo pomoč pri postopanju z učenci, ki se neprimerno vedejo, najpogosteje obrnejo na šolsko svetovalno službo.


učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami;čustvene in vedenjske težave;percepcija učiteljev;primanjkljaji;poučevanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Reich]
UDC: 376-056.36(043.2)
COBISS: 69517059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 156
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relationship between specific learning difficulties and emotional and behavioral problems - teachers' perceptions
Secondary abstract: Emotional and behavioural problems have always been considered by teachers as one of the greatest challenges that educators face in their work. To date, numerous studies have been conducted in the field of emotional and behavioural problems. The causes of these have been attributed to many different factors, both medical conditions and education. Another challenge for teachers is learning disabilities or failure of pupils to learn due to specific learning difficulties. In both areas, teachers need a lot of additional knowledge to be able to help pupils with such problems. For pupils, specific learning difficulties are often intertwined with emotional and behavioural problems. Numerous studies have shown that inappropriate behaviours may occur in students with specific learning difficulties as a result of frustrations in learning. It has also been shown that individuals with specific learning difficulties often have difficulty using social skills in a variety of social situations. However, inappropriate use of social skills can have a negative impact on the emotions and behaviour of students with specific learning difficulties. In the master's thesis, we investigated teachers' perceptions of encounters with pupils with severe specific learning difficulties and emotional and behavioural problems. The sample included 84 teachers teaching in regular primary schools in Slovenia. We used questionnaires for teachers to identify their experiences of working with pupils with emotional and behavioural problems that co-occur with specific learning difficulties. We were particularly interested in how often they encountered pupils with both types of problem and whether they believed that pupils with specific learning difficulties (hereafter SpLD) were more likely to have emotional and behavioural problems than pupils without these problems. We also found out whether teachers used different methods to address inappropriate behaviour in pupils with SpLD than in pupils without SpLD, and whether they felt adequately trained to address both educational and disciplinary issues that arise in this group of pupils. We were also interested in whether and how often teachers receive additional training to work with pupils with SpLD who also have emotional and behavioural problems. The results of our study showed that most teachers, even those who do not yet have many years of experience, have already encountered five or more pupils with SpLD, who are experiencing emotional and behavioural problems. Meanwhile, most teachers are of the opinion that forms of inappropriate behaviour are more common with pupils with SpLD than with pupils who do not have SpLD. They see failure in school as a strong risk factor for developing emotional and behavioural problems as most of them stated that they had already encountered the inappropriate behaviour as a result of a failure in school. The teachers in our study also say that they react differently if pupils with SpLD show inappropriate behaviour than in situations when the students without SpLD show the mentioned behaviour. Teachers who participated in the survey also think that school failure has a significant impact on the occurrence of inappropriate behavioural patterns, as most of them stated that they had already noticed pupils’ inappropriate behaviours that occurred as a result of school failure. Our survey also showed that teachers feel only partially qualified to work with pupils with SpLD and emotional and behavioural problems, and that only few of them have already received additional training in this area, although if given the opportunity, they would attend additional trainings in the field of work with pupils with SpLD, which show inappropriate behavioural patterns. We also found that teachers' opinions on which forms of inappropriate behaviour pose the greatest challenge to them vary widely, and that when they need help dealing with pupils who behave inappropriately, they most often turn to the school counselling service. We also found out that the perception of the most challenging inappropriate behaviour differs.
Secondary keywords: learning difficulty;behaviour disorder;emotional disorder;backward child;učne težave;motnje vedenja;čustvene motnje;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: 97 str.
ID: 13111927