diplomsko delo
Mustafa Ramić (Author), Bogomil Ferfila (Mentor)


Bosna in Hercegovina (BiH) je multietnična država z disfunkcionalnim in najbolj zapletenim političnim sistemom v Evropi. Trenutna ustava BiH in politični sistem države sta nastala kot posledica daytonskega mirovnega sporazuma, njegov primarni cilj pa je bil končati vojno. Sistem, ki je bil ustvarjen, vsebuje preveliko število ravni upravljanja, ki so oblikovane na etnični osnovi. Na državni ravni brez soglasja vseh treh konstitutivnih narodov (bosanski Srbi, Bošnjaki, bosanski Hrvati) napredek ni možen, posledica česa pa so številne politične blokade. Sistem, ki trenutno obstaja v BiH, onemogoča napredek države k evroatlantskim integracijam in upočasnjuje gospodarski razvoj države, kar pa povzroča vse večji odhod mladih državljanov in celih družin v tujino. Nobeden od treh konstitutivnih narodov ne sprejema trenutne daytonske ureditve države, kar je eden izmed mnogih znakov, ki nam kažejo, da so v BiH potrebne korenite spremembe političnega sistema. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni različni modeli zahodnih demokracij, ki so značilni za večetnične države. Politični sistemi v večetničnih državah, kot so Belgija, Švica, Kanada in njihovi modeli demokracije (federalizem, kantonizacija, konsociativna demokracija) so analizirani in predstavljeni kot mogoče rešitve za preureditev BiH. Namen mojega dela je predvsem analizirati pozitivne politične rešitve naštetih relevantnih multietničnih državnih skupnosti in preučiti možnosti njihove uporabe v političnem sistemu BiH.


etnične skupine;federalizem;konsociativna demokracija;večetnične družbe;Etnične skupine;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Ramić]
UDC: 321.7:321.1(497.6)(043.2)
COBISS: 73560835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 318
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Western models of democracy as a solution for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Secondary abstract: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a multiethnic country with a dysfunctional and most complex political system in Europe. The current constitution and political system of BiH was created as a result of the Dayton Peace Agreement, whose primary goal was to end the war. The system which was created consists of too many levels of governance shaped along ethnic lines. At the state level, progress is not possible without the consent of all three constituent peoples (bosnian Serbs, Bosniaks, bosnian Croats), which results in frequent political blockades. The current system prevents the country's progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration and slows down the country's economic development, which affects the growing departure of young citizens and entire families abroad. None of the three constituent nations accepts the current Dayton constitution, which is one of many signs , which shows us that radical changes in the political system are needed. The aim of this paper is to present various forms of westerm democracies that are characteristic for multiethnic countries. Political systems in multiethnic countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and their models of democracy (federalism, cantonization, consociational democracy) are analyzed and presented as possible solutions for reorganization BiH. The purpose of my thesis is primarily to analyze the positive political solutions of the listed relevant multiethnic countries and to examine the possibilities of their use in the political system of BiH.
Secondary keywords: ethnic groups;federalism;consociational democracy;multiethnic society;Politični sistemi;Political systems;Demokracija;Democracy;Ethnic groups;Bosna in Hercegovina;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 53 str.
ID: 13112555
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