magistrsko delo
Gea Gregorič (Author), Alenka Žbogar (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je obravnavana sodobna slovenska kratka zgodba z metodo analize literarnovednih virov. Opravljena je analiza produkcije zbirk kratkih zgodb med letoma 2010 in 2020 z metodo izločanja in razvrščanja. Predstavljene so zbirke kratkih zgodb sodobnih slovenskih pisateljic, in sicer Mojca Kumerdej, Temna snov (2011); Mirana Likar Bajželj, Glasovi (2015); Jedrt Lapuh Maležič, Bojne barve (2016), Suzana Tratnik, Noben glas (2016) in Ana Schnabl, Razvezani (2017). Slednja je literarno analizirana, umeščena v literarni kontekst in uporabljena za obravnavo sodobne kratke zgodbe pri problemsko-ustvarjalnem pouku v gimnaziji. Navedeni so razlogi za izbor s poudarkom na mladostniških bralnih interesih, ki govorijo v prid obravnavi tovrstne literature in umestitev le-te v šolski kanon. Osvetljene so tudi korelacije med problemsko-ustvarjalnim pristopom in razvijanjem literarne zmožnosti, ki je eden od temeljnih ciljev gimnazijskega pouka književnosti.


slovenska književnost;slovenska proza;kratka zgodba;slovenske pisateljice;problemsko-ustvarjalni pouk;gimnazija;literarna zmožnost;2010-2020;Kumerdej;Mojca;1964-;"Temna snov";Likar Bajželj;Mirana;1961-;"Glasovi";Lapuh Maležič;Jedrt;1979-;"Bojne barve";Tratnik;Suzana;1963-;"Noben glas";Schnabl;Ana;1985-;"Razvezani";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [G. Gregorič]
UDC: 821.163.6-3.09:373.5"2010/2020"
COBISS: 71717635 Link will open in a new window
Views: 421
Downloads: 62
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Slovenian short story (2010–2020) and the possibilities of problem-based applications in general high school
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with a contemporary Slovenian short story using the method of analysis of literary sources. An analysis of the production of collections of short stories between 2010 and 2020 using the method of extraction and classification is presented, collections of short stories of contemporary Slovenian writers are presented, namely Mojca Kumerdej, Temna snov (2011); Mirana Likar Bajželj, Glasovi (2015); Jedrt Lapuh Maležič, Bojne barve (2016), Suzana Tratnik, Noben glas (2016) and Ana Schnabl, Razvezani (2017). The latter is literary analyzed, placed in a literary context and used to deal with a modern short story in problem-based creative lessons in high school. The reasons for the selection are given with an emphasis on youthful reading interests, which speak in favor of the consideration of this type of literature and its placement in the school canon. The places of correlation between the problembased approach and literary competence, which is the fundamental goal of literature lessons, are also highlighted.
Secondary keywords: Slovenian literature;Slovenian prose;short story;problembased lessons;Slovenian;high school;literary competence;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: 89 str.
ID: 13119808