doctoral dissertation
According to René Girard's anthropological interpretation of the Event of the cross of Jesus Christ, the cross represents the historical moment when the unjust nature of the scapegoat mechanism that held sway of primitive society was exposed. In his Mimetic Theory, mimetic desire is the unconscious, involuntary, uncontrollable driving force of human acts. He proffered the Imitation of Christ i.e. a reversal of the will to violence, as the solution to scapegoating. Unfortunately, the imitation of Christ involves a mental reflection that is inconsistent with the mimetic theory. This Christological solution i.e. the Imitation of Christ, to an anthropological crisis as proposed by Girard does not make for a rational understanding of the action of the cross. On the contrary, a reflective mimesis informed by the action of the cross, is supportive of a rational understanding of the cross as such, unaided by any appeal to religious faith. This thesis argues for reflective mimesis as an ethical disposition, a paradigm and a point of reference of social integration.
mimesis;mimetic theory;memetic desire;triangular desire;interdividuality;pharmakon;Interdividual psychology;self of desire;unconscious;tacit knowing;recognition;misrecognition;alertness;reflection;reflective mimesis;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2020 |
Typology: |
2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation |
Organization: |
UL TEOF - Theological Faculty |
Publisher: |
[A. Ekpunobi] |
UDC: |
14Girard R.(043.3) |
Views: |
374 |
Downloads: |
37 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Refleksivna mimeza in etika križa v mimetični teoriji Renéja Girarda: naproti vključujočemu humanizmu |
Secondary abstract: |
V skladu z antropološko interpretacijo križanja Jezusa Kristusa (angl. Event of the Cross), ki jo je podal René Girard, križ predstavlja zgodovinski trenutek, ko se razodene nepravičnost mehanizma grešnega kozla, ki je obvladoval prvotno družbo (angl. primitive society). V mimetični teoriji Renéja Girarda je mimetična želja nezavedna, nehotena in neobvladljiva gonilna sila človeških dejanj. Girard je v posnemanju Kristusa (angl. Imitation of Christ) - to je v odvrnitvi od volje do moči - našel odgovor na pojav žrtvovanja grešnega kozla (angl. Scapegoating). Vendar pa je posnemanje Kristusa rešitev, ki ni v skladu z mimetično teorijo. Ta Girardov kristološki odgovor (= posnemanje Kristusa) na antropološko krizo ne omogoča dogodka križa razložiti kot racionalno dejanje. Nasprotno, refleksivna mimesis, ki jo dogodek križa sugerira, govori v prid racionalne razlage dogodka križa in ne kliče po religiozni razlagi. Naša teza utemeljuje refleksivno mimesis, in sicer kot etično razpoloženje, kot paradigmo in referenčno točko družbene integracije. |
Secondary keywords: |
mimesis;mimetična teorija;mimetična želja;trikotna želja;interdividualnost;pharmakon;interdividualna psihologija;sebstvo želje;nezavedno;tiho védenje;prepoznanje;zmotno prepoznanje;čuječnost;refleksija;refleksivna mimesis; |
Type (COBISS): |
Doctoral dissertation |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak. |
Pages: |
IV, 271 str. |
ID: |
13123200 |