diplomsko delo
Sonja Bogataj (Author), Tomaž Lampe (Reviewer), Vladimira Erjavec (Mentor)


Uvod: Proteze dan danes zagotavljajo več kot le nadomeščanje funkcije manjkajočega uda, nudijo tudi občutek celosti telesa in omogočajo aktivno življenje. Napredek v ortotiki in protetiki se iz obravnave človeka seli tudi na področje veterine. Proteza je pripomoček, namenjen nadomestitvi amputiranega uda oziroma izpadle funkcije štirinožnega gibanja pri živalih. Protetična oskrba omogoča živali izboljšano biomehaniko gibanja, kar vodi v aktivnejše življenje, posledično preprečuje debelost in z njo povezane bolezni. Z uporabo proteze tudi znatno znižamo bolečine zaradi kompenzacijskih gibov in tako preprečimo prezgodnjo evtanazijo. Sama oskrba s protezo se prične po upadu edema in pričetku mišične atrofije, nekje 2–3 tedne po amputaciji. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati funkcionalno ustrezne proteze za psa po transmetatarzalni amputaciji zadnje desne okončine. Metode dela: Prvi del diplomskega dela je napisan na osnovi pregleda strokovne literature, ki je bila vzeta iz internih, knjižnih in internetnih virov. Drugi del diplomskega dela je napisan po praktičnem delu. Zajema postopek amputacije okončine, odvzem mere in postopek izdelave protez. Rezultati: Izdelanih je bilo več različnih tipov protez, ki se razlikujejo po izbranih materialih, obliki in teži. Protezna ležišča so se pri preizkusu izkazala za prevelika, zato je bilo potrebno izdelati penasti vložek. Prav tako je bilo potrebno prilagoditi nagib distalnega dela proteze. Pes ni kazal vedenjskih sprememb ob uporabi protez, v času mirne stoje in hoje jih je povsem obremenil, ni jih obremenjeval v kasu in galopu. Razprava in zaključek: Namen izdelave različnih protez je bil ponuditi širše možnosti protetične oskrbe in omogočiti skrbnikom živali izbor proteze, ki njihovi živali najbolj odgovarja. Pes ni imel težav na privajanje na pripomoček, bil je živahen in sproščen. S protezo mu je bilo ponovno omogočeno štirinožno gibanje.


diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;pes;proteza;protetična oskrba psa;amputacija pri psih;izdelava proteze;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Bogataj]
UDC: 617.3
COBISS: 69907971 Link will open in a new window
Views: 419
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Prosthetic treatment of a dog after transmetatarsal amputation
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Prostheses today offer more than just replacing the function of the missing limb, they also provide a sense of the whole body and enable an active life. Advances in orthotics and prosthetics are also making their way from human medicine to the veterinary medicine. A prosthesis is a device designed to replace an amputated limb or a lost function of four-legged movement in animals. Providing the animal with a prosthetic limb allows for improved biomechanics of movement, which leads to a more active life, consequently preventing obesity and related diseases. By using a prosthesis, we also significantly reduce pain due to compensatory movements and thus prevent premature euthanasia. The prosthetic fitting itself begins after the edema has subsided and the muscle atrophy has begun, approximately 2–3 weeks after the amputation. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to fabricate functional prostheses for a dog, after transmetatarsal amputation of the hind right limb. Methods: The first part of the diploma work is written based on a review of professional literature, obtained from internal, library and internet sources. The second part of the diploma work is written following the practical part. It includes the procedure of limb amputation, taking a measure and the process of making prostheses. Results: Different types of prostheses were made, differing in the materials chosen, shape and weight. The prosthetic sockets proved to be too large during the test, so it was necessary to make a foam insert. It was also necessary to adjust the inclination of the distal part of the prosthesis. The dog did not show behavioral changes when using the prostheses, during standing and walking they were fully loaded, and were not loaded during trotting and galloping. Discussion and conclusion: The purpose of making various prostheses was to provide broader options for prosthetic care and to allow pet guardians to choose the prosthesis that best fits their pet. The dog had no problems adjusting to the aid, he was lively and relaxed. With the prosthesis, four-legged movement was restored to him.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;dog;prosthesis;prosthetic care of a dog;amputation in dogs;fabrication of prosthesis;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 35 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 13126620