diplomska naloga št.: 205/OG-MK
Matic Janko (Author), Aleksander Srdič (Mentor)


V zadnjih letih se je pospešena digitalizacija sveta pričela aktivno odražati tudi v sicer tehnološko konservativnem gradbeništvu. Paradna panoga te digitalizacije je zagotovo pristop BIM, ki se je pričel uvajati v želji po optimizaciji nadzora nad tradicionalnimi in novejšimi informacijskimi izzivi, ki jih prinašajo gradbeni projekti. Med najbolj konservativna opravila na področju gradbene operative zagotovo spada spremljava finančnega toka in spremljava napredka izvajanja del. Kontrola mesečnih količin se še vedno izdeluje manualno preko pregleda mesečnih gradbenih knjig. Pogodbeni terminski plani pa se tudi poredko posodabljajo na mesečnem nivoju. V svojem diplomskem delu bom na primeru projekta Novo Brdo E3 predstavil integracijo 3D- modela BIM, terminskega plana ter popisa del v končni 5D model, na katerem bom nato predstavil še postopek kontrole mesečnih situacij ter mesečnega napredka del. Za integracijo in spremljavo se je uporabljala programska oprema BEXEL Manager 10.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;GR;GR-OG;BIM;3D model;terminski plan;popis del;spremljava gradnje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Janko]
UDC: 69:005.8(043.2)
COBISS: 71494659 Link will open in a new window
Views: 448
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂintegration of construction schedule and priced BOQ with building 3D Model
Secondary abstract: In recent years, the accelerated digitalization of the world has actively reflected in the otherwise technologically conservative construction industry. The flagship industry of this digitization is certainly the BIM approach, which was introduced in the desire to optimize control over the traditional and newer information challenges posed by construction projects. One of the most conservative tasks in the field of construction operations is certainly the monitoring of financial flow and monitoring the progress of works implementation. The monthly control of quantities is still done manually through a review of the monthly construction books. Contractual schedule plans are also rarely updated on a monthly basis. In my thesis, I will present the integration of the 3D BIM model, term plan and inventory list of works into the final 5D model applied on the Novo Brdo E3 project. Then I will also present the process of controlling monthly situations and monthly progress of works. For integration and monitoring was used BEXEL Manager 10 software.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;BIM;3D model;Construction schedule;Priced BOQ;project monitoring;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VII, 49 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 13143899