magistrsko delo
Larisa Lenart (Author), Jerneja Pavlin (Mentor)


Dandanašnji pouk je pogosto precej tradicionalen in enoličen. Vključuje veliko frontalnega pouka in individualnega dela učencev, kar pa učencem ni ravno pisano na kožo. Kot razredni učitelji si moramo prizadevati, da bomo sestavili razgiban, zanimiv pouk, vseeno pa moramo zagotoviti, da učenci dosežejo predvidene cilje in standarde znanja. Smiselno je, da v pouk vnesemo raznolike aktivnosti, kot so kvizi, uganke, tekmovanja, igre, poskusi. Tako se učenci učijo, hkrati pa vzpostavljajo dobre medsebojne odnose, zdravo mero tekmovalnosti, samozavest in drugačen stik z učiteljem. Ker priprava didaktičnih iger vzame precej razmisleka, časa in materiala, se jih učitelji ne poslužujejo dovolj ter se še vedno oklepajo tradicionalnosti. Magistrsko delo predstavlja, kako učenci usvajajo učno vsebino toplota in temperatura preko didaktičnih iger. Natančneje, zanimalo nas je, ali učenci dosežejo učne cilje in v kolikšni meri jih dosežejo, kako sodelujejo, kako se na posamezne didaktične igre odzivajo. Dodano je, kako se na določene naloge (glavni v skupini, osebni pomočnik učiteljice), odzivajo učno šibkejši učenci in učenci iz socialno ogroženih družin. Za namen raziskave so bile oblikovane štiri didaktične igre za obravnavo učne teme toplota in temperatura v 5. Razredu osnovne šole. Vzorec sestavlja 14 učencev 5. Razreda vaške osnovne šole. Pred samim začetkom raziskave so učenci pisali krajši preizkus znanja, ki je pokazal, kje so z znanjem pred samo obravnavo učne vsebine. Po izvedenih didaktičnih igrah so reševali še preizkus znanja, da smo lahko ocenili napredek v znanju učencev. Pri sami raziskavi so bile uporabljene tehnike kvantitativnega in kvalitativnega (strukturiran intervju, opazovanje, analiza preverjanj znanja, ocenjevalna lestvica) raziskovalnega pristopa. Pridobljeni podatki so bili sprotno beleženi ter ustrezno analizirani. Analiza raziskave je pokazala, da so učenci v znanju srednje napredovali. Prav tako je iz raziskave razvidno, da so učenci v didaktičnih igrah uživali in jih dobro ocenili. Sami so dobro ocenili tudi lasten napredek v znanju. Visoko so ocenili tudi način pouka z didaktičnimi igrami. Za šibkejše učence smo ugotovili, da potrebujejo več spodbud učitelja in da vlogo vodje večinoma dobro sprejmejo. Rezultati magistrskega dela nudijo vpogled razrednim učiteljem v odzive učencev, kako z didaktičnimi igrami usvajajo učno vsebino toplota in temperatura. Prav tako je spodbuda za učitelje, da bi se tudi sami večkrat poslužili didaktičnih iger in da bi le-te videli kot dobro učno metodo, ki jo lahko uporabljajo vrsto let in ne le samo kot dodatno in nepotrebno delo.


naravoslovje in tehnika;toplota;temperatura;učno šibkejši učenci;znanje učencev;učne vsebine;5. razred;osnovna šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Lenart]
UDC: 37.016:51(043.2)
COBISS: 70762499 Link will open in a new window
Views: 182
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Use of didactic games to teach the concepts of heat and temperature to fifth graders
Secondary abstract: Today’s lessons are often fairly traditional and monotonous. They include a lot of frontal teaching and individual pupils’ work which they do not like. As class teachers we have to strive to compose a varied and interesting lessons, but we still need to ensure that pupils achieve the intended objectives and standards of knowledge. It makes sense to introduce various activities into the lessons, such as quizzes, puzzles, competitions, games, experiments. In this way pupils learn, while at the same time they establish good interpersonal relationships, a healthy measure of competition, self-confidence, and a different contact with the teacher. Since preparation of didactic games is time consuming and requires a lot of consideration and material, teachers do not use them enough and remain in traditional spheres. The master’s thesis presents how pupils learn about heat and temperature through the didactic games. In particular, we wanted to establish whether pupils achieve learning objectives and to what extent, how they cooperate, and how they react to individual didactic games. It is added how pupils with weaker learning abilities and pupils from socially disadvantaged families respond to certain tasks (leader of the group, teacher’s personal assistant). For the purpose of the research, four didactic games were designed to address the learning topic of heat and temperature in the 5th class of a primary school. The sample consists of 14 pupils from the 5th class of the village primary school. Prior the beginning of the research, pupils took a shorter test that revealed their knowledge prior addressing the learning content. After the didactic games were completed, pupils took another test in order to assess progress in their knowledge. In the research itself, the techniques of quantitative and qualitative (structured interview, observation, analysis of knowledge tests, assessment scale) research approach were used. The obtained data were regularly recorded and analysed. The analysis revealed knowledge progress in all pupils. At the same time, it is evident that pupils enjoyed in didactic games and evaluated them well. They also well assessed their own progress in knowledge. They also gave a high evaluation of the lessons that include didactic games. For weaker pupils it was established that they need more teacher’s encouragement and that they accept the leader role mostly well. The results of the master’s thesis offer insight for the class teachers in the pupils’ reactions of how they learn about heat and temperature through the didactic games. At the same time, it is an encouragement for teachers to use didactic games more often and to see them as a good teaching method that can be used for several years, and not only as an additional and unnecessary work.
Secondary keywords: science education;educational game;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;didaktična igra;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: 149 str.
ID: 13156758