diplomsko delo
Špela Kadunc (Author), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor), Veronika Šinigoj (Co-mentor)


Kurikulum za vrtce, ki je podlaga za načrtovanje dejavnosti v vrtcu, vsebuje pet področij. Kot prvo je predstavljeno področje gibanja, saj je to otrokova primarna potreba. Razvoj gibanja mu odpira nove možnosti spoznavanja sveta okoli sebe. Z gibanjem pa ne povezujemo zgolj velike gibe, kot je hoja, temveč tudi uporabo prstnih spretnosti. Pri razvoju teh spretnosti pri otrocih pa imamo veliko vlogo tudi strokovni delavci vrtcev, ki s pripravo različnih dejavnosti lahko to spodbudimo. Druga primarna otrokova potreba pa je potreba po igri, kar je smiselno upoštevati pri načrtovanju katerih koli dejavnosti v vrtcu. Tako kot z gibanjem, otrok vsakodnevno spoznava tudi različne tehnične predmete, postopke in materiale. Ker pa tehnična vzgoja ni samostojno področje v kurikulumu za vrtce, temveč se le povezuje z drugimi, vzgojitelji pogosto pozabijo na načrtovanje usmerjenih dejavnosti tehnične vzgoje. V našem diplomskem delu smo se zato osredotočili na material les, saj želimo vzgojitelje spodbuditi k poseganju po materialih, ki nam jih ponuja narava. Z načrtovanimi dejavnostmi jih želimo opogumiti k vpeljevanju pogosto pozabljenega področja tehnike ter podati nekaj zanimivih idej za začetniško ustvarjanje z lesom. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu predstavimo gibanja, igre in tehnične vzgoje pri razvoju otrok ter ključne podatke o lesu, ki jih je pri uporabi tega materiala smiselno poznati. Empirični del vključuje analizo anketnega vprašalnika, s katerim smo želeli spoznati stališča vzgojiteljev o pomenu razvoja fine motorike, tehnične vzgoje in preveriti pogostost ustvarjanja z lesom. V drugem delu pa je predstavljena zasnova in izvedba dejavnosti za predšolske otroke v povezavi z lesom, ki pa smo jih na podlagi rezultatov opazovanj tudi kritično ovrednotili. Ugotovili smo, da strokovni delavci v vrtcu poznajo pomen razvoja fine motorike v zgodnjem otroštvu in pogosto izvajajo dejavnosti za ta cilj. Redkeje pa omenjeno povežejo s tehnično vzgojo, ki ponuja veliko možnosti raziskovanja, tako v okviru usmerjenih dejavnosti kot tudi samostojnih. Z zasnovanimi dejavnostmi manipulacije lesa in lesnih polizdelkov smo otrokom ponudili povsem nove izkušnje in jih preko igre usmerili v področje tehnične vzgoje. Dejavnosti ponujajo vrsto razširitev in prilagoditev, ki jih lahko izpeljemo glede na interes otrok. Poleg tega pa smo tudi vzgojiteljem podali nekaj novih idej.


tehnična vzgoja;fina motorika;dejavnosti z lesom;lesene igrače;lesena učila;predšolski otroci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Kadunc]
UDC: 373.2:62(043.2)
COBISS: 70997251 Link will open in a new window
Views: 182
Downloads: 12
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of fine motor skills with wooden craft activities in preschool age
Secondary abstract: The kindergarten curriculum, which is the basis for planning activities in kindergarten, contains five areas. The area of movement is presented first, as it is the child’s primary need. The development of movement opens up new possibilities for him to get to know the world around him. However, we do not only associate movement with large movements, such as walking, but also the use of fine motor skills. Kindergarten professionals also play an important role in the development of these skills associated with children, and we can encourage this by preparing various activities. Another primary need of a child is the need to play, which is important to consider when planning any activity in kindergarten. Just like with motion, the child also learns about various technical objects, procedures and materials on a daily basis. Nonetheless, because technical education is not an independent area in the curriculum for kindergartens, but only connects with others, educators often forget to plan directed technical education activities. Because of that we focused on the material wood, as we want to encourage educators to reach for the materials that nature offers us. With the planned activities we want to encourage them to introduce the often forgotten techniques and give some interesting ideas for novice crafting with wood. Thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work. In the theoretical part, we will present the importance of motion, play and technical education in the development of children, as well as key information about wood, which is good to know when using this material. The empirical part includes the analysis of the survey questionnaire, with which we wanted to get to know the views of kindergarten teachers on the importance of developing fine motor skills, technical education and to check the frequency of working with wood. The second part presents the representation and implementation of activities for preschool children in connection with wood, which we also critically evaluated based on the results of observations. We found that educators in kindergarten know the importance of developing fine motor skills in early childhood and often carry out activities for this purpose. Rarely, however, do they associate this with technical education, which offers many opportunities for research, both in the context of directed activities as well as free play. With the activities of thesis, we offered children completely new experiences and introduced them to some highlights of technical education through play. The planned activities offer a lot of expansion and adaptation and can also be a starting point for educators to carry out technical education activities.
Secondary keywords: pre-school education;predšolska vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: XI, 82, XV str.
ID: 13160122