magistrska naloga
Jasmina Kolander (Author), Mirna Macur (Mentor)


V zadnjih dveh desetletjih, ko smo priča velikemu razvoju mobilne in internetne oziroma tehnologije na sploh, je vseobsegajoča tehnologija skupaj s svojimi uporabniki postala pomembno področje raziskovanja. Tehnologija se je popolnoma vpletla v naše vsakdanje življenje, kot najbolj dovzetni zanjo pa veljajo mladostniki in zato so v magistrski nalogi tudi predmet raziskovanja. Razvoj informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije nam je v precejšnji meri spremenil življenje, saj si življenja brez mobilnika in računalnika sploh ne znamo več predstavljati. Krog prijateljev smo si včasih širili v izobraževalnih ustanovah in na dvorišču, danes pa je iskanje prijateljev popolnoma drugačno, hitrejše, lažje, saj so nas preplavila socialna omrežja, ki nam omogočajo iskanje prijateljev, izmenjavo mnenj, slik, idr.. Magistrska naloga je razdeljena v dva dela, teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem oziroma prvem delu naloge smo predstavili ključne pojme in življenje mladostnikov v koraku z novimi komunikacijskimi tehnologijami. V empričnem delu naloge smo izvedli kvantitativno raziskavo s pomočjo internetnega vprašalnika, objavljenega na profilih omrežja Facebook. Na tem omrežju smo poiskali naše respondente, ki so odgovorili na anketni vprašalnik na podlagi katerega smo odgovorili na naše glavno raziskovalno vprašanje: »Ali se uporabniki mobilnika za namen socialnih omrežij razlikujejo od drugih uporabnikov socialnih omrežij, tistih, ki do socialnih omrežij dostopajo samo preko računalnika?«. Z analizo pridobljenih podatkov smo odgovorili na raziskovalno vprašanje in ugotovili, da mobilnemu delu skupine respondentov mobilnik predstavlja pomembnejši statusni simbol, prav tako jim socialno omrežje Facebook predstavlja bolj pomembno družabno okolje, kot tistim iz internetne skupine.


mladostniki;mobilna tehnologija;internet;socialni kapital;socialna omrežja;Facebook;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [J. Kolander]
UDC: 316.346.32-053.6(043):316.472.4-027.44
COBISS: 1024388161 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the past two decades we witnessed big development of mobile and internet technology as well technology in general, therefore all-encompassing technology, together with its users, become an important area of research. The technology is part of our daily lives, especially the lives of adolescents, therefore they represent focus of our research. Development of information and communication technology has changed our lives considerably, as we cannot even imagine living without mobile phone or computer. In the past, we used to meet friends in educational institutions or in courtyards. Today, with establishment of social networks, finding friends is completely different, easier and faster. Our master thesis is divided in two parts, theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part of the master thesis, key concepts are explained and life od adolescents living with new communication technologies in introduced. In the empirical part we present a research, based on questionnaire, distributed through Facebook network. On this network we found respondents for our questionnaire, on the basis of which we searched for an answer to our key research question, that is whether there are differences betwen users, that access social networks only through computers, and users, that use also mobile phones for the same purpose. Based on the results, there are diffences between the two groups. We discovered that for the »mobile group« mobile phones mean more important status symbol and the social network Facebook mean more important social atmosphere than for the other group.
Secondary keywords: adolescents;mobile technology;internet;social capital;social networks;Facebook;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za upor. druž. študije v Novi Gorici
Pages: 60 str., 29 str. pril.
ID: 13177523
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