diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje
Tjaša Ravnikar (Author), Nevenka Podgornik (Mentor)


Supervizija v psihoterapevtski oziroma svetovalni stroki je nujen in obvezen del, ki zagotavlja strokovnost in etičnost psihoterapevtskega procesa, razvoj kompetenc udeleženih in hkrati predstavlja način tešitve strokovnih potreb psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev. Zato je v praksi izjemno pomembno, da so do kakovostne supervizije upravičeni vsi supervizorji/svetovalci, da je vsem omogočena in dosegljiva ter da se je redno poslužujejo. V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo odnos psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev do supervizije. Izhajali smo iz petih postavljenih hipotez, s pomočjo katerih ugotavljamo, ali se večina psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev redno poslužuje supervizije, ali večina psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev pozitivno doživlja izkušnjo supervizije, ali se v večjem odstotku supervizije poslužujejo mlajši psihoterapevti/svetovalci, ali jim je pomembno in preverjajo primernost in strokovnost supervizorja ter ali lahko supervizija zadosti skoraj vse strokovne potrebe psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev. V teoretičnem delu razčlenimo in opredelimo supervizijo kot proces, opredelimo vlogo in naloge supervizorja in supervizanta ter opišemo supervizijski odnos in vse, kar le-ta v sebi nosi. V empiričnem delu s pomočjo kvantitativne metode oz. izvedene ankete raziskujemo odnos psihoterapevtov/svetovalcev do supervizije in ugotavljamo, na kakšen način se ta odnos izraža/manifetsira, s pomočjo kvalitativnega pristopa in izvedenega intervjuja pa raziskujemo globine supervizijskega odnosa ter notranjega sveta supervizorja in supervizanta. Z intervjuvanko tudi pokomentiramo in interpretiramo pridobljene rezultate ankete in postavljene hipoteze.


supervizija;supervizor;psihoterapevti;svetovanje;psihoterapija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [T. Ravnikar]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 1024778305 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Supervision is an essential and obligatory component of the psychotherapeutic and counseling professions. It ensures that the psychotherapeutic process is professional and ethical and develops the competence of the participants involved. At the same time, supervision provides a means of meeting the professional requirements of psychotherapists/ counselors. It is therefore of vital importance in practice that all psychotherapists/ counselors are entitled to quality supervision, that it is made possible for and accessible to all and that it is regularly utilized. This thesis researches the attitudes of psychotherapists/ counselors towards supervision and derives from five hypotheses which will help to answer the following questions: Do most psychotherapists/ counselors regularly make use of supervision? Do most psychotherapists/ counselors have a positive experience of supervision? Is there a higher percentage of young psychotherapists/ counselors who make use of supervision? Is supervision important to psychotherapists/ counselors and do they verify the adequacy and professionalism of the supervisor? Can supervision satisfy nearly all the professional requirements of psychotherapists/ counselors? The theoretical section analyses and defines supervision as a process, defines the roles and tasks of supervisors and supervisees and defines the supervisory relationship and all that comes with it. The empirical section makes use of quantitative methods, namely survey findings, to research the attitudes of psychotherapists/ counselors towards supervision. It also determines in what manner this relationship expresses/ manifests itself. Finally, utilizing the qualitative approach and conducted interviews, this section researches the depths of the supervisory relationship and the inner worlds of the supervisor and supervisee. The obtained survey results and hypotheses are also commented on and interpreted with input from the interviewee.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici
Pages: 89 str., [21] str. pril.
ID: 13184837
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