diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje smer psihosocialna pomoč
Ana David (Author), Jana Krivec (Mentor)


Na področjih socialnih odnosov, samopodobe, šole in šolskega uspeha/neuspeha ter preživljanja prostega časa se tekom odraščanja lahko pojavijo težave, ki jih otroci in mladostniki ne zmorejo rešiti sami in v nekaterih primerih jim tudi njihovi starši ne znajo oziroma ne zmorejo pomagati. Zato so z namenom pomoči za tovrstne težave ustanovljene organizacije in programi dnevnih centrov za otroke in mladostnike. Žal je o teh programih in njihovi učinkovitosti premalo poznanega in predstavljenega, zato marsikdo pomoči potreben ostane brez tovrstne podpore. V nalogi smo na osnovi razpoložljive znanstvene literature opisali omenjena področja, njihov pomen za otroka oziroma mladostnika ter za njihove starše, potencialne težave in način soočanja z njimi. V empiričnem delu smo preverili, kakšne so kvalitete in potencialne težave v življenju otrok in mladostnikov, ki obiskujejo dnevni center za otroke in mladostnike Koper-PetKA ter kakšne učinke je zaznati ob obiskovanju programa. Ugotovili smo, da se težave otrok in mladostnikov, vključenih v program, v največji meri kažejo na področju kvalitetnega preživljanja prostega časa, največja izboljšava ob obiskovanju programa pa se kaže v učnem uspehu. Kljub temu, da Dnevni center PetKa ne vpliva enako na vsa področja v življenju otrok in mladostnikov, pa je iz rezultatov razbrati, da ima zelo pomembno in pozitivno vlogo ter vpliv pri izboljšanju kvalitete življenja otrok in mladostnikov.


otrok;mladostnik;socialni odnosi;samopodoba;učni uspeh;prosti čas;Dnevni center za otroke in mladostnike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [A. David]
UDC: 364-057.87(043.2)
COBISS: 1024781633 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In these areas of social relations, self-esteem, school and school success/failure and leisure time, problems can arise during adolescence, which children and adolescents cannot solve themselves, and in some cases also their parents do not know how to solve these problems. Therefore, organizations and Daily centers for children and adolescents have been set up to help with such problems. Unfortunately, these programs and their effectiveness are not well known and representative, and many of them need help without such support. This work which is based on available scientific literature, the mentioned areas described their significance for the child or adolescent, and for their parents, potential problems and the way of dealing with them. In the empirical part, we examined the quality and potential problems in the lives of children and adolescents who visit the Daily center Koper-PetKA for children and adolescents, and what effects they detected when visiting the program. We have found that the problems of children and adolescents who are included in the program are mostly shown in the field of quality leisure time. Despite the fact that the Daily center PetKA does not have the same effect on all areas of the life of children and adolescents, it is clear from the results that it has a very important and positive role and an impact on improving the quality of life of children and adolescents.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici
Pages: 81 str., [7] str. pril.
ID: 13184882