magistrska naloga študijskega programa druge stopnje


Predmet magistrskega dela so raziskovalna vprašanja, kako se osebe s težavami v duševnem zdravju vključujejo v socialno in delovno okolje, s kakšnimi težavami se srečujejo pri delu, kako je z njihovo zaposljivostjo in kako jih delodajalci sprejemajo. Pri raziskavi so sodelovale osebe, ki imajo diagnosticirano depresijo ter delodajalca, ki take osebe zaposlujeta. V uvodu naloge je opisana depresija, njeni znaki in vrste. V naslednjem poglavju so prikazani različni vidiki družbene vključenosti oseb z depresijo. Posebej je opisana socialna vključenost oziroma izključenost in stigmatiziranost teh oseb. V tretjem poglavju so navedeni načini zaposlovanja oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju in državnega spodbujanja njihovega zaposlovanja. Pri raziskavi je uporabljana metoda strukturiranega intervjuja. Ugotovitve raziskave so potrdile, da so osebe z depresijo zaposlene na nižjih plačanih delovnih mestih, da so težje zaposljive kot zdrave osebe in da je stigmatiziranost teh oseb še vedno prisotna. Delodajalci so prepričani, da so taki ljudje manj učinkoviti in zanesljivi in so pogosto na bolniškem dopustu, zato jih v času gospodarske krize ne zaposlujejo več. Možnost zaposlitve takih oseb je socialno podjetništvo, ki predstavlja velik razvojni potencial v Sloveniji.


depresija;zaposlitev;socialna vključenost;stigma;socialno podjetništvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [D. Pavšič Gerenčer]
UDC: 616.89:005.953(043.2)
COBISS: 1024653121 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The subject of the master thesis research questions are how people with mental health problems include the social and work environment, what problems they face at work, their employability and how employers accept people with mental health problems. In the study, participated persons who are diagnosed with depression and employers who already employ this person. In the introduction to the tasks described depression, its signs and types of depression. The next section presents various aspects of the social inclusion of people with depression. Particularly described social inclusion or exclusionand stigmatization of these persons. In the third chapter lists the methods of employment of people with mental health problems and the ways of the state to encourage their employment. In the case study method is used structured interview. The research findings have confirmed that persons with depression employment in lower paid jobs that are more difficult to employ than healthy people and that the stigmatization of these persons is still present. Employers are confident that these persons are less efficient and reliable, and most of the working time on sick leave, so by now the economic crisis does not employ any more. The possibility of employment of these persons is a social enterprise that represents great potential for development in Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: depression;employment;social inclusion;stigma;social entrepreneurship;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici
Pages: 78 str., [17] str. pril.
ID: 13184892
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