mednarodne mobilnosti mladoletnih migrantov brez spremstva iz Moldavije
Anita Ramšak (Author), Matej Makarovič (Mentor), Dejan Jelovac (Co-mentor)


Doktorska disertacija se osredotoča na situacijo mladoletnih migrantov brez spremstva, katerih migracije so ekonomsko spodbujene, za razliko od večnih poudarkov na otrocih brez spremstva iskalcih azila, beguncih in žrtvah trgovine z ljudmi. Skozi raziskovanje vzorcev, značilnosti in motivov migracij mladoletnikov brez spremstva, ki so iz Moldavije pripotovali v Avstrijo (in ostale države Evropske unije), disertacija izpostavi neskladnosti v politikah in ukrepih za zaščito mladoletnikov brez spremstva ter izpostavi mehanizme, ki dodatno vodijo mladoletnike v ranljivost za zlorabe in izkoriščanja. Osredotoča se predvsem na razumevanje ciljne skupine skozi oči strokovnjakov in predstavnikov institucij, ki delujejo na področju otrok brez spremstva v Avstriji. Disertacija prav tako – tudi skozi diskurz otrokovih pravic – kritično ocenjuje prevladujočo konceptualizacijo in idealizacijo otroštva na zahodu, kot časa nedolžnosti, v katerem je poudarek v prvi vrsti na izobraževanju in šolanju, in ki se ne sklada z realnostjo življenj večine otrok po svetu. Disertacija se zaključi s priporočili za izboljšanje situacije mladoletnih migrantov brez spremstva.


mladoletniki brez spremstva;migracije;otrokove pravice;otroštvo;Moldavija;Avstrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [A. Ramšak]
UDC: 314.15-053.6(478.9)
COBISS: 1024486721 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Doctoral dissertation focuses on the situation of unaccompanied migrant children traveling on economic grounds in order to seek better life opportunities, as opposed to children travelling in order to seek asylum or trafficked children. Through researching patterns, features and motives behind migrations of unaccompanied minors migrating from Moldova to Austria, this dissertation highlights inconsistencies in politics and interventions aimed at protecting unaccompanied migrant children and reveals mechanisms that lead or deepen their vulnerability for exploitation and abuse. It focuses primarily on understanding of group in focus through the eyes of experts and institutions working in the field of child migration in Austria. Dissertation also – through child rights discourse – critically looks at the prevailing conceptualization and idealization of contemporary western childhood as a time of innocence, schooling and play, ignoring the reality of lives of majority of world's children. In the case of Austrian political system for protection of unaccompanied children, which is primarily based on asylum system, dissertations finds out that although unaccompanied minors from Moldova represents statistically visible group of unaccompanied minors in Austria, there is a worrying number of children that disappear or are engaged in illegal activities, furthermore only very small number of children reaches asylum at the second instance, which is related to more and more strict asylum legislation, age assessment methodologies and limited (almost no) possibilities for getting long term asylum status that will allow a child to build his life plan in Austria. Furthermore, services and interventions available for protection of unaccompanied migrant children, do not correspond to their interests, priorities and needs, including gaining income and fulfilling their own migratory projects. The dissertation also reveals that population of unaccompanied minors from Moldova is not homogeneous, and categorizes them in three groups: unaccompanied minors for which Austria does not represent final destination country, unaccompanied minors with wish to remain in Austria, but in order to do so, they are faced with several administrative obstacles and unaccompanied minors engaged in illegal activities. Dissertation also highlights key mechanisms that foster vulnerabilities of unaccompanied minors and concludes with the set of recommendations and a list of elements that has been identified as necessary for the comprehensive protection of unaccompanied migrant children.
Secondary keywords: unaccompanied minors;migrations;children's rights;childhood;Moldova;Austria;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Fak. za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici
Source comment: Na ov.: Doktorska disertacija;
Pages: 185 str., [14] str. pril.
ID: 13184911
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