diplomska naloga
Slavica Kostevc (Author), Dejan Jelovac (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo zajema najprej teoretična izhodišča s kratko predstavitvijo podjetništva kot procesa ustvarjanja dobička, ki se povečuje z ustvarjanjem posameznikov, ki prevzemajo vsa tveganja. V nalogi so podana temeljna načela podjetništva v Sloveniji, podjetništvo v svetu in v Evropski uniji, s poudarkom na ženskem podjetništvu in dejanskemu stanju na tem področju. Navedena dejstva so podkrepljena z izkušnjami podjetnic, ki nam predstavijo žensko podjetništvo iz osebne izkušnje, z delovanjem v lokalnem okolju. V nalogi smo ugotovili vzroke, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na (ne)odločitev žensk za podjetniško pot. Na svetu je sicer več kot polovica žensk, vendar je kljub temu njihovo zastopstvo v podjetništvu še vedno dokaj skromno. Neizkoriščen podjetniški potencial predstavljajo tudi Slovenke. Po deležu podjetnic Slovenija sodi med države EU z najmanj podjetnicami, in čeprav je pred leti slovensko žensko podjetništvo vodilo vsaj med balkanskimi državami, so jo zdaj skoraj vse že prehitele. Tiste, ki pa se vendarle odločajo za podjetniško pot, izbirajo predvsem "ženske" dejavnosti, kot je na primer frizerska, kozmetična, računovodska. Primarne podatke za lastno empirično raziskavo smo zbrali s pomočjo fokusne skupine, in sicer podjetnic iz lokalnega okolja (občina Brežice). Cilj izvedene kvalitativne empirične raziskave je bil, da na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov potrdi ali pa zavrže zastavljeno hipotezo po kateri bosta pomanjkanje samozavesti in prevladujoči model ženske v slovenski družbi ključna zaviralna razloga za vstop žensk v podjetništvo. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali in ustrezno interpretirali. Delo se zaključi s sklepnimi misli o ženskem podjetništvu pri nas in njegovih perspektivah v bližnji prihodnosti.


podjetništvo;žensko podjetništvo;podjetnice;poslovanje;dejavnost;razlogi;ovire;lokalni nivo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: FUDŠ - School of advanced social studies
Publisher: [S. Kostrevc]
UDC: 305:658-055.2(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 1024567361 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis covers the first theoretical basis with a short presentation of entrepreneurship as process for making profit, which is increasing by creating individuals who assume all risks. In this diploma work are given the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship in Slovenia, entrepreneurship in the world and in the European Union, focusing on female entrepreneurship and the actual situation in this area. The facts are confirmed with experiences entrepreneurs that will present female entrepreneurship from personal experience with the operation in the local environment. In this work we try to determinate the causes, factors that influence the decision-making process on women's entrepreneurial path. In spite of the fact that in world population today women consists more than 50%, although their representation in entrepreneurship is still relatively modest. Unused entrepreneurial potential represents also the Slovenians. In the share of entrepreneurs Slovenia is among the EU countries with the minimum entrepreneurs, and even a few years ago Slovenian female entrepreneurship at least led to the Balkan countries, they have now almost all been overtaken. Those women who eventually decide for entrepreneurial path, choose mostly "feminine" activities, such as hairdressing, accounting. Primary data for our own empirical study were collected through focus group, namely entrepreneurs from the local environment (municipality Brežice). The aim of a qualitative empirical research was that on the basis of the results obtained confirm or reject the hypothesis according to which the set will be a lack of confidence and the dominant model of women in the Slovenian society braking key reason for women's entry into entrepreneurship. Acquired data were analysed and interpreted properly. The thesis ends with the final thoughts about women's entrepreneurship in our country and its prospects in the near future.
Secondary keywords: entrepreneurship;female entrepreneurship;women entrepreneurs;business;activities;reasons;barriers;local level;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fak. za upor. družb. študije v Novi Gorici
Source comment: Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : visokošolskega univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Pages: 53 str., [15] str. pril.
ID: 13188582