diplomsko delo
Nik Šuštaršič (Author), Bojan Novak (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je analiza procesa vpeljave novega sistema. V nalogi je prikazan celoten proces implementacije novega informacijskega sistema v proizvodnem procesu. Primerjalo se je predhodni sistem pridobivanja podatkov, način pridobivanja, shranjevanje podatkov in njihovo sledenje. Analizirana in prikazana je celotna infrastruktura delovanja že obstoječega informacijskega sistema. Prikazani so vsi IKT-procesi v podjetju in predstavljeni odprtokodni programi, ki jih v podjetju uporablja predvsem oddelek IT za lažje ugotavljanje in odpravljanje napak. Definirani so postavitev, inštalacija in uporaba strežnikov, ki jih podjetje uporablja, njihov namen, njihova redundantnost itd. V večjih podjetjih, kot je Odelo Slovenija, sta najpomembnejši infrastruktura in varnost mreže oz. mrežnih naprav. Iz tega razloga je v delu analizirana tudi mreža in prikazana konfiguracija, ki je bila potrebna za realizacijo projekta. V diplomskem delu je prikazana je tudi uporaba sistema OMES (angl. Odelo Manufacturing Execution System), ki je bil razvit v podjetju Odelo Farba. Na koncu pa je podana analiza predhodnega in novega sistema ter ugotovljene prednosti in slabosti obeh sistemov.


informacijski sistemi;proizvodnja;novi sistem;nadzorovanje IT-sistema;mrežna infrastruktura;mrežna oprema;termalni tiskalnik;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [N. Šuštaršič]
UDC: 004:658.51(043.2)
COBISS: 79868163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 644
Downloads: 135
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introduction of a new process management system in the company Odelo Slovenia d. o. o.
Secondary abstract: The purpose of my dissertation is the analysis of the process of introducing a new system. The thesis demonstrates the entire process of implementing a new information system in the production process. The previous data acquisition system, the method of retrieval, data storage and their tracking were compared in the thesis. The entire infrastructure of the already existing information system was described and analyzed. All ICT processes in the company were presented and open source programs, which are used in the company mainly by the IT department to facilitate the identification and elimination of errors were described. The layout, installation and use of the servers used by the company, their purpose, their redundancy, etc. were also defined. In larger companies, such as Odelo Slovenia, infrastructure and security of the network or network devices are the most important. For this reason, the network and present the configuration that was necessary for the realization of the project were analyzed as well. The use of the OMES system (Odelo Manufacturing Execution System), which we developed at Odelo Farba was demonstrated too. Finally, the previous and the new system were analyzed and thus helped identify the advantages and disadvantages of both systems.
Secondary keywords: information systems;production;new system;IT system monitoring;network infrastructure;network equipment;thermal printer;MES;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Informatika in tehnologije komuniciranja
Pages: 56 f.
ID: 13199676