diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Sara Furlanič (Author), Katja Eman (Mentor)


Pandemija Covid-19 je vplivala na počutje prebivalstva po vsem svetu. Ker je Covid-19 bila nova nalezljiva bolezen, o kateri je bilo malo znanega, so se vlade držav odločile za ukrepe, ki naj bi preprečili širjenje bolezni. Ljudem je bila nenadoma odvzeta svoboda gibanja in druženja. Ostajali so v svoji domovih, ki naj bi bil najbolj varno okolje, pri tem je malo kdo pomislil, da dom ni vedno to. Izolacija sicer posameznika zaščiti brez boleznijo, ne more pa pred nasiljem. K nasilju so poleg izolacije prispevali tudi drugi stresni dogodki kot npr. izguba rednih prihodkov, dodatne obremenitve pri delu z otroki, ki so se šolali doma preko zoom-a. Vlada se je ukvarjala predvsem s pandemijo in pri tem pozabila na psihosocialne težave ljudi. Sama izolacija sicer ne vpliva na nasilje v družini, ampak ga lahko povečuje v družinah, kjer je že bilo. Tako je večina držav po svetu poročala o večjem nasilju v družinah v primerjavi s preteklim obdobjem, kjer so bile ogrožene predvsem ženske, otroci, starejši in invalidne osebe. Državne vlade so sicer sprejele številne ukrepe za pomoč žrtvam, pa vendar tega niso mogle v celoti preprečiti. Tako smo bili tudi v Sloveniji priča medijsko močno odmevnim krutim umorom in poskusom umora v letu pandemije (2020/2021). Razlogov za te umore in poskuse umorov ne moremo vselej pripisati izolaciji zaradi pandemije Covid-19, vendar je početje storilcev kaznivih dejanj povezanih s tem, lahko bila tudi pandemija. Dejstvo je, da podatki iz zadnjih desetih let v Sloveniji kažejo, da se je nasilje v družinah zmanjševalo. Temu so botrovali tudi sprejeta zakonska določila in ukrepi nevladnih organizacij, ki pomagajo žrtvam nasilja v družini. Vsekakor je pomembno, da je v času drugačnih okoliščin (kot je pandemija) potrebno nameniti večjo pozornost odkrivanju nasilja v družini in žrtvam omogočiti, da brez strahu pred morebitnim storilcem opozorijo na to.


diplomske naloge;družina;nasilje;pandemija;Covid-19;umori;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [S. Furlanič]
UDC: 343.9:616-036.21(043.2)
COBISS: 72180739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 794
Downloads: 231
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Victims of domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic
Secondary abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the well-being of people around the world. Because Covid-19 was a new infectious disease, about which very little was known, the governments of the states decided on measures to prevent the spread of the disease. People were suddenly deprived of their freedom of movement and association. They stayed in their homes, which was supposed to be the safest environment. However, home was not always the safest environment for everyone. Isolation protects an individual without disease, but it cannot protect them against violence. In addition to isolation, other stressful events also contributed to the violence, such as loss of regular income and additional burdens in working with children who went to school at home via zoom. The government was primarily concerned with the pandemic, forgetting about the psychosocial problems of the people. Isolation alone does not affect domestic violence, however the violence can increase during the isolation in the families where it has been present in the past. Thus, most countries around the world reported more domestic violence compared to the previous period, where women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities were particularly at risk. Although the country's governments have taken a number of measures to help victims, they have not been able to prevent this completely. Therefore, in Slovenia we also witnessed brutal murders and attempted murders in the year of the pandemic (2020/2021), which were high-profile in the media. The reasons for these murders and attempted murders cannot always be attributed to isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the conduct of the perpetrators of related crimes could also have been the pandemic. The fact is that the data from the last ten years in Slovenia shows that domestic violence has been declining. This was also due to the adopted legal provisions and measures of non-governmental organizations that help victims of domestic violence. It is certainly important that in times of different circumstances (such as a pandemic), more attention needs to be paid to detecting domestic violence and enabling victims to draw attention to it without fear of a potential perpetrator.
Secondary keywords: Family;violence;pandemic;Covid-19;murders;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VIII, 59 str.
ID: 13204764
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