magistrsko delo
Katarina Slapnik (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


Nove psihoaktivne substance (v nadaljevanju NPS) so navadno opredeljene kot snovi v čisti obliki ali pripravku, ki jih mednarodne konvencije o nadzoru drog ne urejajo, vendar lahko predstavljajo nevarnost za javno zdravje. Njihovi uporabniki eksperimentirajo s sintetičnimi kanabinoidi, sintetičnimi katinoni, fenetilamini, piperazini, snovmi na osnovi rastlin, sintetičnimi opioidi, novimi benzodiazepini … Gre za snovi, ki še dandanes niso povsem razumljene, kar predstavlja težavo, tako njihovim uporabnikom, kot tudi zdravstvenim delavcem, oblikovalcem politik in posledično celotni družbi. Za namene magistrske naloge smo v januarju 2021 med prebivalci Slovenije izvedli raziskavo o poznavanju NPS in njihovih učinkov na človekovo psiho in telo, poleg tega pa opravili tudi intervju s koordinatorjem testiranja, Slovenskega združenja za zmanjševanje škodljivih posledic drog - DrogArt, Markom Verdenikom. Ugotovili smo, da splošna javnost ne ve prav dosti o novih snoveh. Več kot polovica anketiranih sicer pozna izraza NPS oz. dizajnerske droge, vendar pa do težav prihaja pri poznavanju podrobnejših dejstev o teh substancah. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da mlajši anketiranci, v primerjavi s starejšimi, bolj verjetno poznajo omenjena termina, prav tako pa termina bolj verjetno poznajo višje izobraženi. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali je uživanje psihoaktivnih substanc, kot so tobak, alkohol, konoplja, ekstazi in kokin, povezano s poznavanjem učinkov NPS. Izkazalo se je, da tisti, ki pogosteje uživajo tobačne izdelke, več vedo o učinkih novih substanc, uživanje ostalih psihoaktivnih substanc, pa na poznavanje ni imelo vpliva. Pozornost smo namenili še razširjenosti NPS v Sloveniji in prišli do zaključkov, da uporaba teh snovi pri nas ni zelo razširjena, a kljub temu, nevarnosti, ki jo nove droge prinašajo, ni mogoče zanemariti.


prepovedane substance;psihoaktivne substance;dizajnerske droge;sintetične snovi;negativni učinki drog;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [K. Slapnik]
UDC: 613.8(043.2)
COBISS: 73253379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 389
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Knowledge of new psychoactive substances and their effects on the human psyche and body
Secondary abstract: New psychoactive substances (hereinafter NPS) are usually defined as substances, in pure form or within a preparation, that are not regulated by international drug control conventions but may pose a threat to public health. Users of these substances experiment with synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, phenethylamines, piperazines, plant-based substances, synthetic opioids, new benzodiazepines … Since these substances are not yet fully understood today, this poses a problem for both their users as well as for healthcare professionals, for policymakers and, consequently, for society as whole. We conducted a survey in January 2021 for this master’s thesis among the population of Slovenia, researching the respondents’ knowledge of NPS and the effects of NPS on the human psyche and body. In addition, we also conducted an interview with the coordinator of testing from the Slovenian Association for the Reduction of Harmful Consequences of Drugs – DrogArt, Marko Verdenik. We found that the public does not know much about new substances. More than half of the respondents know the term NPS or designer drugs but lack any knowledge when it comes to more detailed facts about these substances. The results of the research showed that younger respondents, compared to older ones, are more likely to know the mentioned terms, and also the more educated people are more likely to know the terms. We were also interested in whether the recreative use of psychoactive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, ecstasy, and cocaine was associated with knowledge of the effects of NPS. It turned out that those who used tobacco products more often knew more about the effects of new substances, however, the use of other psychoactive substances had no effect on the respondents’ knowledge of NPS. We also researched the prevalence of NPS in Slovenia. We concluded that the use of these substances is not very widespread in our country, but nevertheless, the danger posed by new and unknown drugs cannot be ignored.
Secondary keywords: new psychoactive substances (NPS);designer drugs;synthetic substances;negative effects of drugs;knowledge of new psychoactive substances;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: X f., 73 str.
ID: 13250559