diplomsko delo
Nina Marinšek (Author), Tatjana Unuk (Mentor), Mario Lešnik (Co-mentor)


Ekološka pridelava jabolk dokazano pozitivno vpliva na okolje, predvsem na biodiverziteto in posledično tudi na talni ekosistem. Ob vpeljavi ekoloških praks v trajni nasad poskušamo kar se da zadovoljiti potrebe ohranjanja zdravega okolja, kjer je v ospredju pridelava hrane s upoštevanjem naravnih zakonitosti. To pomeni, da ohranjamo energijske krogotoke in minimalno posegamo v naravno ravnotežje. Pozitivni učinki tovrstnega načina pridelave se običajno pokažejo že v prvih letih uvedbe ekoloških shem vse od preusmeritvenega obdobja dalje in trajajo doživljenjsko. Ekosistem lahko od pridelovalnega sistema pridobi na več načinov, ne le z bogatenjem flore in favne ampak tudi z bogatenjem obsega genske banke avtohtonih rastlinskih vrst, ki so veliko bolj trpežne na ukrepe obdelave tal in spreminjajoče se vremenske razmere ter se našemu okolju tudi lažje prilagajajo. S takim pristopom ne oškodujemo opraševalcev. Primerna konzervirajoča obdelava tal lahko poveča tudi količine vode in vezanega talnega ogljika in dušika, ki rastlinam predstavljata hranila, obenem pa zavaruje in onemogoči izpust toplogrednih plinov nazaj v ozračje. Z ekološko pridelavo v sadjarstvu torej zagotovimo ohranjanje in varovanje naravnih virov, večjo biotsko raznolikost in se v največji meri približamo trajnostnemu načinu pridelave.


ekološko sadjarstvo;trajni nasadi;biodiverziteta;naravni viri;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture
Publisher: [N. Marinšek]
UDC: 634.11:631.147(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 74625283 Link will open in a new window
Views: 346
Downloads: 21
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conversion from conventional to organic apple production- Environmental Impacts
Secondary abstract: Organic orchard management is known to positively effect the environment, especially the biodiversity and soil ecosystem. Organic practices sustainably keep the environment healthy and unpolluted, while using a natural approach to farming. This means that the natural cycles are not interfered with. The positive effects of organic management mainly become visible after a few years of the conversion and can lasts a lifetime. The ecosystem can benefit from the organic production in multiple ways, not only is the soil more abundant and diverse in flora and fauna, it also keeps a rich gene bank of local plant species, which are far more durable and adaptable on future climate change in the area. With this approach another benefit is keeping the natural habitat of local pollinators who are reliant on the local flora and compulsory for fruit production. With a sustainably managed orchard we naturally keep the organic matter in the soil which makes nutrients and water more accessible to the plants and meanwhile sequester the greenhouse gasses from the air and keep them in the soil. With organicaly managed orchards we are determined to sustain the environment and protect the natural resources and biodiversity while moving to a sustainably managed fruit production.
Secondary keywords: organic fruit production;apple orchard;biodiversity;natural resources;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Pages: IX, 36 str.
ID: 13258075