diplomsko delo
Katja Erjavec (Author), Ana Marija Sobočan (Mentor)


Na začetku diplomske naloge sem opredelila pomen praktičnega izobraževanja v socialnem delu in kako velik pomen ima mentor oz. mentorica tekom praktičnega izobraževanja. Ker sem raziskovala izkušnje študentov Fakultete za socialno delo v času epidemije Covid-19 sem opredelila tudi spremembe, ki jih je epidemija prinesla, ter opredelila izzive s katerimi so se soočali socialni delavci in študentje. Ker so razmere, v katerih smo se znašli, povzročile povečano potrebo po prostovoljstvu, sem na kratko opredelila tudi ta pojem. V namen raziskave sem sestavila vprašalnik na portalu 1ka Arnes in ugotovila, da so študentje in študentke med epidemijo Covid-19 prakso vseeno opravljali, vendar s prilagoditvami. Nekaj prakse se je odvijalo v živo, nekaj na spletnih medijih (npr. zoom). Zaradi prilagajanja na izredne razmere so se študentje znašli pod stresom, kvaliteto svojih pridobljenih izkušenj pa so ocenili z oceno povprečno. Največjo oviro so študentom predstavljali vladni ukrepi, ki so bili sprejeti za zajezitev epidemije.


socialno delo;študenti;praksa;Covid-19;pridobivanje izkušenj;praktično delo;socialne delavke in delavci;mentorstvo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [K. Erjavec]
UDC: 36:005.963.5-057.875
COBISS: 82157571 Link will open in a new window
Views: 287
Downloads: 35
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The experiences of students of the Faculty of Social work with gaining practical experience during the Covid-19 epidemic.
Secondary abstract: At the start of the thesis, I defined the importance of practical education in social work and the importance of mentoring during practical training. As I researched the experiences of students at the Faculty of Social Work during the Covid-19 epidemic, I identified the changes that the epidemic brought, as well as the challenges that social workers and students of social work faced during it. Since the situation in which we found ourselves resulted in an increased need for volunteering, I also briefly defined this concept. I compiled a questionnaire on the 1ka Arnes portal and found that both male and female students were still able to get practical work experience during the Covid-19 epidemic, but with some adjustments. Some practical education still took place live and some via online media (e.g. Zoom). The necessity to adapt to the changed circumstances meant that many students found themselves under increased stress, and on average, they qualified the quality of their acquired work education as average. The biggest obstacle for the students seemed to be the measures undertaken by the government to contain the epidemic.
Secondary keywords: practice;Covid-19;gaining experiences;students of social work;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (54 str.))
ID: 13264753