diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Klemen Rola (Author), Darko Goričanec (Mentor), Danijela Doberšek (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljen proces proizvodnje bioetanola iz lignocelulozne biomase, skupaj s problematiko s katero se v procesu srečujemo. Poudarek je predvsem na destilaciji in dehidraciji bioetanola. V ta namen je bila v programu Aspen Plus izvedena simulacija za pridobivanje bioetanola blizu azeotropne sestave. Destilacija je sestavljena iz dveh zaporedno vezanih rektifikacijskih kolon, ki sta bili vsaka zase modelirani in optimizirani z NQ analizo. Na vsaki koloni je bila izvedena občutljivostna analiza za namen proučevanja vpliva različnih parametrov na porabo toplotne energije. Za pridobivanje čistega etanola smo izvedli azeotropno destilacijo s cikloheksanom in destilacijo s spreminjajočim tlakom. Cilj dehidracije je pridobiti 99,60 ut.% etanola. Azeotropna destilacija je bila modelirana z dvema kolonama: glavno kolono, kjer se pridobi bioetanol visoke čistoče in regeneracijsko kolono, kjer se na dnu kolone pridobi čista voda. Destilacija s spreminjajočim tlakom je bila modelirana z dvema zaporedno vezanima kolonama, ki obratujeta pri različnih tlakih. To omogoči pridobivanje čistega bioetanola. Na sistemu se je izvedla občutljivostna analiza, za namen proučevanja interakcij med obema kolonama. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima spreminjanje deleža destilata obeh kolon največji vpliv na porabo energije v obeh kolonah. Za namen primerjanja porabe toplotne energije smo izračunali neto porabo toplotne energije na enoto proizvedenega brezvodnega bioetanola. Vrednosti so bile primerljive z literaturo. Ugotovljeno je bilo da se dodatno znižanje v porabi energije lahko doseže z rekuperacijo energije, ali z uporabo drugih tehnik za dehidracijo. Kombinacija rekuperacije in uporabe manj energijsko intenzivnih postopkov lahko močno zmanjša porabo energije v procesu. Zaključili smo, da je za zmanjšanje porabe energije v proizvodnji bioetanola iz lignocelulozne biomase smiselno razmišljati tudi o kogeneraciji energije iz drugih stranskih produktov.


bioetanol;destilacija;lignocelulozna biomasa;azeotrop;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [K. Rola]
UDC: 621.039.332:[604.4:662.6:579](043.2)
COBISS: 77664515 Link will open in a new window
Views: 322
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis presents a process of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass. Various challenges encountered during the production are discussed. The work emphasizes the distillation and dehydration process of bioethanol. For this purpose, a simulation of bioethanol production close to azeotropic composition was carried out in Aspen Plus. The distillation consists of two sequential rectification columns. Each of them was modeled separately and optimized with NQ analysis. A sensitivity analysis was performed on each column to study the effects of various parameters on thermal energy consumption. For further ethanol purification, azeotropic distillation with cyclohexane as an entrainer and pressure swing distillation were performed. The objective of dehydration was to obtain ethanol with a purity of 99,60 wt.%. Azeotropic distillation was modeled with two columns: the main column, where high purity bioethanol is obtained, and a recovery column, where clear water is obtained in the bottoms. Pressure swing distillation consists out of two sequentially connected columns, operating at different pressures. This allows the production of high-purity ethanol. To study interactions between the two columns, a sensitivity analysis was performed. It was found, that changing the distillate purity in both columns has the greatest impact on the energy consumption of both columns. For the sake of comparing the energy consumption, we calculated net energy consumption per unit of produced anhydrous ethanol. The values were comparable with the literature. It was found that a further decrease in energy consumption is possible with energy recovery or with the usage of other dehydration techniques. A combination of both of them could greatly reduce the energy consumption of the process. It was concluded, that to make the entire production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass less energy-intensive, energy cogeneration with other side products should also be considered.
Secondary keywords: Bioethanol;Distillation;Lignocellulosic biomass;Azeotrope;Aspen Plus;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 50 str.
ID: 13269151