študija primerov YouTuba in TikToka


Živimo v času, ko ima praktično vsaka oseba uporabniški račun na vsaj enem družbenem omrežju. Z njihovo pomočjo smo na tekočem, spremljamo, kaj se dogaja z našimi prijatelji, sošolci in družino. Pridobimo tudi informacije o tem, kaj se dogaja po svetu, za katerega pravi slovenski pregovor, da stoji na mladih. Mladi so precej bolj naklonjeni uporabi družbenih omrežij in nanje ta tudi najbolj vplivajo, saj se še razvijajo kot osebe. Zato nas je zanimalo, kakšen vpliv imata nanje YouTube in TikTok, ki sta dve izmed najbolj uporabljanih družbenih omrežij nasploh, predvsem med pandemijo COVID-19. Osredotočili smo se na 18 mladih iz Slovenije in njihovo izkušnjo. Z njihovo pomočjo smo izpeljali intervjuje, ki smo jih kasneje kvalitativno analizirali. Osredotočali smo se na konzumiranje in produkcijo vsebin, zanimalo nas je, zakaj in kako mladi uporabljajo YouTube in TikTok ter kakšen vpliv imata na njih. Ugotovili smo, da mladi platformi spremljajo predvsem zaradi zabave, pridobivanja informacij in poslušanja glasbe, kar nanje dobro vpliva, vendar se zavedajo tudi slabih plati uporabe teh platform. Zaključili smo, da ima YouTube povprečno nanje boljši vpliv kot TikTok.


magistrska dela;mladina;družbena omrežja;YouTube;TikTok;COVID-19;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Dragojlović]
UDC: 316.472.4:004.774.1(043.2)
COBISS: 84109827 Link will open in a new window
Views: 384
Downloads: 135
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Youth and Social Media: A Case Study of YouTube and TikTok
Secondary abstract: We live in a time in which practically everyone has a social media account. These allow us to catch up on current events, we follow what is happening to our friends, classmates and family members. We also use them to get the news about what is happening around the world, which, according to a Slovene proverb, rests on the shoulders of the youth. Young people are much more inclined to use social media and are more affected by them because their personalities are still developing. This is why we wanted to know what effects YouTube and TikTok have on the youth, since these are two of the most widely used social media platforms, in general and especially during the COVID-19 epidemic. We focused on 18 young people from Slovenia and their experiences. With their help, we conducted interviews, which we analyzed quantitatively. We focused on the consumption and production of content, why and how the youth uses YouTube and TikTok, and what effect they have on the youth. We concluded that young people use these platforms for entertainment, gaining information and listening to music, which has a good effect on them; however, they are aware of the adverse effects the use of these platforms might have on them. We concluded that, on average, YouTube has a comparatively better effect on the youth than TikTok.
Secondary keywords: master theses;youth;social media;YouTube;TikTok;COVID-19;Mladina;YouTube (spletno mesto);Družbena omrežja (internet);SARS-CoV-2 (virus);Slovenija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: IX, 88 str.
ID: 13272801
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