magistrsko delo


Namen magistrskega dela je primerjava slovenskih podjetniških inkubatorjev z vidika podpore start-up podjetjem. V magistrskem delu smo želeli opredeliti vlogo in pomen podjetniškega ekosistema v Sloveniji, predvsem se osredotočiti na start-up ekosistem in proučiti izbrane vidike podpore za podjetja. V teoretičnem delu smo analizirali, katere inštitucije v Sloveniji zagotavljajo podporno okolje za podjetništvo, nato smo predstavili, kakšna je vloga inštitucij podpornega okolja pri spodbujanju podjetništva, predvsem smo se osredotočili na podjetniško, inovativno in finančno okolje. Proučili smo, kakšne storitve ponujajo proučevani podjetniški in univerzitetni inkubatorji ter na podlagi tega izdelali primerjavo, ki prikazuje, katere storitve so inkubatorjem skupne oziroma ali se le-ti morda med seboj razlikujejo glede na slabšo ali boljšo ponudbo. V empiričnem delu smo se osredotočili na SAŠA inkubator, ki sodi med podjetniške inkubatorje ter predstavili enega izmed njegovih programov Startup trampolin oziroma kot so ga poimenovali v letošnjem letu, Startup generator. S spremljanjem programa smo želeli ugotoviti, ali pripomore k temu, da so start-up podjetja ob vstopu na trg bolj suverena in samozavestna. Udeležencem letošnjega Startup generatorja smo v izpolnitev posredovali anketi vprašalnik, na osnovi katerega smo preučili, ali tovrstne storitve, kot so na primer intenzivni programi za razvoj podjetniške ideje, res pripomorejo k samozavestnejšemu in hitrejšemu vstopu na trg oziroma ali udeleženci tekom programa pridobijo več znanja kot so ga imeli pred udeležbo na Startup generatorju. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da so udeleženci programa zadovoljni z izvedbo samega programa kot tudi z izvedbo delavnic in da so tekom progama pridobili manjkajoča znanja oziroma svoje obstoječa znanja še izboljšali. Nekateri izmed njih so pridobili še celo več znanja kot je bilo potrebno. Izvedba delavnic se jim je zdela strokovna, saj je pokrivala področja od ideje do nastanka ter prodaje produkta. Analiza vprašalnika je pokazala, da so samo trije vključeni udeleženci že prejeli finančno podporo s strani države, medtem ko še nihče izmed anketiranih ni prejel finančne podpore s strani poslovnih angelov. Anketirani udeleženci bi program Startup generator vsekakor priporočili prijatelju ali znancu, ki se želi preizkusiti na samostojni karierni poti. Glede na analizo rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da tovrstni intenzivni programi za razvoj podjetniške ideje, kot je Startup generator, v veliki meri pripomorejo k samozavestnejšemu in hitrejšemu vstopu start-up podjetij na trg.


podjetništvo;start-up podjetja;podporno okolje;podjetniški inkubator;podjetniški ekosistem;univerzitetni inkubator;primerjalna analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: K. Friškovec
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 81894147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 294
Downloads: 60
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of Slovenian business incubators from the aspect of support for start-ups
Secondary abstract: The aim of the master thesis is to compare Slovenian business incubators in terms of support for startups. In the master's thesis we wanted to define the role and importance of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Slovenia, in particular to focus on the start-up ecosystem and to examine selected aspects of support for companies. In the theoretical part we analysed which institutions in Slovenia provide a supportive environment for entrepreneurship, then we presented the role of supportive environment institutions in promoting entrepreneurship, focusing mainly on the entrepreneurial, innovative and financial environment. We looked at the services offered by the business and university incubators under study, and based on this we drew a comparison showing which services the incubators have in common, or whether they might differ in terms of what they offer, whether they are worse or better. In the empirical part, we focused on SAŠA incubator, which is one of the business incubators, and presented one of its programmes, Startup trampoline, or as it was named this year, Startup generator. By following the programme, we wanted to find out whether it helps startu-ps to be more sovereign and confident when entering the market. We sent a questionnaire to the participants of this year's Startup Generator to fill in to see whether these services, such as intensive programmes to develop entrepreneurial ideas, really help to make them more confident and faster to enter the market, or whether they gain more knowledge during the programme than they had before the Startup Generator. We found that the participants were satisfied with the programme itself as well as with the workshops and that they acquired missing skills or improved their existing skills during the programme. Some of them even gained more knowledge than necessary. They found the workshops to be professional, covering areas ranging from the idea to the creation and sale of the product. The analysis of the questionnaire showed that only three of the participants had already received financial support from the government, while none of the respondents had received financial support from business angels. The participants interviewed would definitely recommend the Startup Generator programme to a friend or acquaintance who wants to try out an independent career path. The analysis of the results suggests that intensive business idea development programmes such as the Startup Generator greatly contribute to a more confident and faster market entry of start-ups.
Secondary keywords: entrepreneurship;supportive environment;business incubator;university incubator;SAŠA incubator;Startup generator;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 91 str., 12 str. pril.
ID: 13276631