diplomsko delo
Jaka Praper (Author), Jurij Iljaž (Mentor), Jure Marn (Co-mentor), Miran Brezočnik (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava prenosnik toplote v podjetju MPI-reciklaža d.o.o. Prenosnik toplote je zaradi specifične oblike in načina delovanja podrobneje predstavljen in analiziran. Za boljšo vizualizacijo, je s pomočjo programskega paketa SolidWorks, prikazan tudi v 3D obliki. Opravljene in prikazane so meritve temperature dimnih plinov in vode na vhodu in izhodu iz prenosnika toplote, saj so nujne za kasnejšo analizo. Pri tem je izveden analitični izračun toplotne moči prenosnika toplote, in sicer za dva mejna primerna, pri vstopni temperaturi dimnih plinov 304,5 °C in 967,4 °C. Delež toplote, ki se prenese iz dimnih plinov na vodo znaša med 56 % in 62 %. To nam kaže, da je delež toplote dimnih plinov enako izkoriščen v prenosniku toplote, ne glede na režim delovanja. Na podlagi analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da izgube skozi dimnik predstavljajo od 10 % do 12 % vseh izgub, največji del izgub pa predstavlja vstop svežega zraka v dimnik, in sicer od 82 do 85 %. Na koncu so podani še predlogi za izboljšave in napotki za nadaljnjo delo.


prenosnik toplote;meritve;dimni plini;toplotne izgube;izkoristek;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Praper]
UDC: 536.24+662.614.4(043.2)
COBISS: 83152899 Link will open in a new window
Views: 332
Downloads: 72
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Heat exchanger efficiency and operation analysis
Secondary abstract: The diploma work describes heat exchanger in the company MPI-reciklaža d.o.o. Due to its specific shape and mode of operation, the heat exchanger is presented in more detail. For a better visualization it is shown in 3D view using SolidWorks software. Measurements of temperature flue gases at the outlet of the heat exchanger are performed and shown, because they are necessary for later calculations. An analytical calculation of thermal power is made for two limit values, namely at flue gas temperatures of 304,5 °C and 967,4 °C. The percentage of heat transfer from flue gases to water are 56 % and 62 %. This shows us that the share of flue gas heat is equally used in the heat exchanger, regardless of the operating mode. Based on the calculations, it was found that the losses through the chimney represent from 10 % to 12 % of the total losses. The largest part of losses represents entry of fresh air into the chimney, namely from 82 % to 85 %. Suggestions for improvements are given as well as instructions for possible further work.
Secondary keywords: heat exchanger;measurements;flue gases;heat losses;efficiency;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Energetsko, procesno in okoljsko strojništvo
Pages: XIV, 55 f.
ID: 13293496