diplomsko delo
Kritična infrastruktura je infrastruktura, ki zaradi izpostavljenosti nevarnostim, grožnjam in tveganjem zahteva in potrebuje višje in konkretnejše stopnje varnosti, kot jih ima ostala infrastruktura. Vsebuje kritične točke, ki v primeru neustreznega delovanja, motenj, zaustavitev ali uničenja neposredno vplivajo na družbo in državo. Kadri, ki delujejo na področju kritične infrastrukture in njenih sektorjev, so upravljavci, ki morajo biti pravne osebe z dodeljenimi odgovornostmi in pristojnostmi. V večini primerov so to ministrstva, agencije in druge družbe. Kader, ki deluje na tem področju, mora biti deležen ustrezne usposobljenosti za delovanje na področju vodenja, upravljanja in sprejemanja odločitev glede delovanja in varnosti kritične infrastrukture. Sprejemanje odločitev glede varnosti je ključnega pomena za ustrezno delovanje kritičnih infrastruktur v vseh državah, razlog za to pa so številne grožnje, med katere spada v glavnem tudi terorizem. Kritična infrastruktura in njeno delovanje sta ključnega pomena za delovanje države, posledično njena varnost in zaščita posegata na področje nacionalne in mednarodni varnosti. Agencije, organizacije ter vojaška in policijska dejavnost vsake države s pomočjo povezovanja držav v zveze krepi kader kritične infrastrukture in varnost ter zaščito te. Terorizem je dejavnost, ki se v različnih oblikah ter vrstah izraža in pojavlja kot napad na različna področja kritične infrastrukture in njenih sektorjev. Je ena izmed večjih problematik, ki je globalna, boj proti terorizmu pa je izjemno zahteven. Cilj terorizma je povzročanje strahu in izkazovanje moči z doseganjem cilja, ki se kaže v obliki škodoželjnih napadov, ki povzročajo škodo, krize ter zahtevajo in terjajo številne žrtve. Cilj kadra, ki deluje na področju kritične infrastrukture, je sprejemanje ukrepov in odločitev, s katerimi bi se odpravila grožnja terorizma.
kritična infrastruktura;teroristična dejavnost;nacionalna varnost;mednarodna varnost;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[I. Perić] |
UDC: |
323 |
Views: |
253 |
Downloads: |
40 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Critical infrastructure staff in terrorist activities |
Secondary abstract: |
Critical infrastructure is infrastructure that demands and needs a higher and more specific level of security than other infrastructure due to being exposed to dangers, threats and risks. It contains critical points that directly affect society and the state in the event of inappropriate operation, disruptions, cessations or destruction. The staff working in critical infrastructure and its sectors are managers and must be legal entities with assigned responsibilities and powers. In most cases they are ministries, agencies and other associations. The staff working in this field must receive proper training for working in administration and management, and for making decisions regarding the operation and security of critical infrastructure. Making security decisions is of key importance in ensuring the proper operation of critical infrastructure in all countries on account of the numerous threats, predominantly terrorism. Critical infrastructure and its operation are of key importance for the functioning of the state; consequently, its security and protection fall within the scope of national and international security. Agencies, organizations, and the military and police activity of each country are integrating countries into associations, thus enhancing the critical infrastructure staff, its security and protection. Terrorism is an activity that manifests itself in different forms and types, and occurs as an attack on different critical infrastructure areas and sectors. It is one of the major global issues; the fight against terrorism is extremely demanding. The aim of terrorism is fearmongering and demonstrating power by carrying out malicious attacks that cause damage and crises, and claim many casualties. The aim of the staff working in critical infrastructure is to adopt measures and decisions that would eliminate the threat of terrorism. |
Secondary keywords: |
Terorizem;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
VI, 99 f. |
ID: |
13297423 |